Publikationen von Markus Lange
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Zeitschriftenartikel (69)
203, 109748 (2025)
Bioavailable carbon additions to soil promote free-living nitrogen fixation and microbial biomass growth with N-free lipids. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
28 (1), e70032 (2025)
Plant species richness and the root economics space drive soil fungal communities. Ecology Letters 2024
8, S. 2037 - 2047 (2024)
Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multitrophic diversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution
79, S. 153 - 166 (2024)
The multiple-mechanisms hypothesis of biodiversity–stability relationships. Basic and Applied Ecology
189, 109280 (2024)
Stability and carbon uptake of the soil microbial community is determined by differences between rhizosphere and bulk soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
17, S. 44 - 50 (2024)
Enhanced stability of grassland soil temperature by plant diversity. Nature Geoscience 2023
240 (5), S. 2035 - 2049 (2023)
Responses of rhizosphere fungi to the root economics space in grassland monocultures of different age. New Phytologist
Relationships between ecosystem functions vary among years and plots and are driven by plant species richness. Oikos, e10096 (2023)
33 (20), S. 4538 - 4547.e5 (2023)
Ecosystem consequences of invertebrate decline. Current Biology
29 (9), S. 2627 - 2639 (2023)
Increased soil carbon storage through plant diversity strengthens with time and extends into the subsoil. Global Change Biology
13, 2140 (2023)
Restoration of insect communities after land use change is shaped by plant diversity: a case study on carabid beetles (Carabidae). Scientific Reports 2022
2, 904259 (2022)
Drought reduces release of plant matter into dissolved organic matter potentially restraining ecosystem recovery. Frontiers in Soil Science
475, S. 473 - 490 (2022)
Plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi efficiently acquire Nitrogen from substrate additions by shaping the decomposer community composition and their net plant carbon demand. Plant and Soil
90, 150787 (2022)
Nematode grazing increases the allocation of plant-derived carbon to soil bacteria and saprophytic fungi, and activates bacterial species of the rhizosphere. Pedobiologia 2021
12, 4431 (2021)
Above- and belowground biodiversity jointly tighten the P cycle in agricultural grasslands. Nature Communications
12, 3918 (2021)
Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity. Nature Communications
7 (1), S. 305 - 332 (2021)
Continental-scale controls on soil organic carbon across sub-Saharan Africa. Soil
109 (3), S. 1284 - 1297 (2021)
Plant diversity enhances production and downward transport of biodegradable dissolved organic matter. Journal of Ecology 2020
151, 108045 (2020)
Characteristics and origin of intact polar lipids in soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
56, S. 1047 - 1061 (2020)
The biodiversity - N cycle relationship: a 15N tracer experiment with soil from plant mixtures of varying diversity to model N pool sizes and transformation rates. Biology and Fertility of Soils