Publikationen von Axel Don
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (11)
11, S. 407 - 413 (2013)
Unexpected Control of Soil Carbon Turnover by Soil Carbon Concentration. Environmental Chemistry Letters 2012
276, S. 239 - 246 (2012)
No rapid soil carbon loss after a windthrow event in the High Tatra. Forest Ecology and Management 2010
16 (5), S. 1409 - 1428 (2010)
The European carbon balance. Part 2: croplands. Global Change Biology 2009
15 (8), S. 1990 - 2002 (2009)
Impact of afforestation-associated management changes on the carbon balance of grassland. Global Change Biology
172 (1), S. 53 - 62 (2009)
Conversion of cropland into grassland: Implications for soil organic-carbon stocks in two soils with different texture. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2008
91, S. 117 - 131 (2008)
Controls on fluxes and export of dissolved organic carbon in grasslands with contrasting soil types. Biogeochemistry
40 (7), S. 1803 - 1812 (2008)
Organic carbon sequestration in earthworm burrows. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2007
178 (9/10), S. 164 - 172 (2007)
Anwuchserfolg von 19 verschiedenen Baumarten bei Erstaufforstungen - Ergebnisse eines Biodiversitätsexperiments. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung
141 (3-4), S. 272 - 282 (2007)
Spatial and vertical variation of soil carbon at two grassland sites - Implications for measuring soil carbon stocks. Geoderma
9 (2), S. 53 - 70 (2007)
Exploring the functional significance of forest diversity: A new long-term experiment with temperate tree species (BIOTREE). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 2005
37 (12), S. 2171 - 2179 (2005)
Amounts and degradability of dissolved organic carbon from foliar litter at different decomposition stages. Soil Biology and Biochemistry Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Carbon dynamics of young experimental afforestations in Thuringia. Dissertation, 194 S., Universität, Tübingen (2007)