Kopplung von Atmosphäre und Biosphäre, Klima und Kausalität (ABC3)

Publikationen von Daniela Dalmonech

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Dalmonech, D.; Zaehle, S.; Schürmann, G.; Brovkin, V.; Reick, C.; Schnur, R.: Separation of the effects of land and climate model errors on simulated contemporary land carbon cycle trends in the MPI Earth system model VI. Journal of Climate 28 (1), S. 272 - 291 (2015)
Willeit, M.; Ganopolski, A.; Dalmonech, D.; Foley, A. M.; Feulner, G.: Time-scale and state dependence of the carbon-cycle feedback to climate. Climate Dynamics 42 (7-8), S. 1699 - 1713 (2014)
Foley, A. M.; Dalmonech, D.; Friend, A. D.; Aires, F.; Archibald, A. T.; Bartlein, P.; Bopp, L.; Chappellaz, J.; Cox, P.; Edwards, N. R. et al.; Feulner, G.; Friedlingstein, P.; Harrison, S. P.; Hopcroft, P. O.; Jones, C. D.; Kolassa, J.; Levine, J. G.; Prentice, I. C.; Pyle, J.; Riveiros, N. V.; Wolff, E. W.; Zaehle, S.: Evaluation of biospheric components in Earth system models using modern and palaeo-observations: the state-of-the-art. Biogeosciences 10, S. 8305 - 8328 (2013)
Dalmonech, D.; Zaehle, S.: Towards a more objective evaluation of modelled land-carbon trends using atmospheric CO2 and satellite-based vegetation activity observations. Biogeosciences 10, S. 4189 - 4210 (2013)
Luo, Y. Q.; Randerson, J. T.; Abramowitz, G.; Bacour, C.; Blyth, E.; Carvalhais, N.; Ciais, P.; Dalmonech, D.; Fisher, J. B.; Fisher, R. et al.; Friedlingstein, P.; Hibbard, K.; Hoffman, F.; Huntzinger, D.; Jones, C. D.; Koven, C.; Lawrence, D.; Li, D. J.; Mahecha, M. D.; Niu, S. L.; Norby, R.; Piao, S. L.; Qi, X.; Peylin, P.; Prentice, I. C.; Riley, W.; Reichstein, M.; Schwalm, C.; Wang, Y. P.; Xia, J. Y.; Zaehle, S.; Zhou, X. H.: A framework for benchmarking land models. Biogeosciences 9, S. 3857 - 3874 (2012)
Zaehle, S.; Dalmonech, D.: Carbon-nitrogen interactions on land at global scales: current understanding in modelling climate biosphere feedbacks. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 3 (5), S. 311 - 320 (2011)
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