Publications of Martin Jung

Journal Article (119)

Journal Article
Parazoo, N. C.; Bowman, K.; Frankenberg, C.; Lee, J.-E.; Fisher, J. B.; Worden, J.; Jones, D. B. A.; Berry, J.; Collatz, G. J.; Baker, I. T. et al.; Jung, M.; Liu, J.; Osterman, G.; O'Dell, C.; Sparks, A.; Butz, A.; Guerlet, S.; Yoshida, Y.; Chen, H.; Gerbig, C.: Interpreting seasonal changes in the carbon balance of southern Amazonia using measurements of XCO2 and chlorophyll fluorescence from GOSAT. Geophysical Research Letters 40 (11), pp. 2829 - 2833 (2013)
Journal Article
Jung, M.; Zscheischler, J.: A guided hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection with expensive cost functions. Procedia Computer Science 18, pp. 2337 - 2346 (2013)
Journal Article
Buermann, W.; Bikash, P. R.; Jung, M.; Burn, D. H.; Reichstein, M.: Earlier springs decrease peak summer productivity in North American boreal forests. Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 024027 (2013)
Journal Article
Piao, S.; Sitch, S.; Ciais, P.; Friedlingstein, P.; Peylin, P.; Wang, X.; Ahlström, A.; Anav, A.; Canadell, J. G.; Cong, N. et al.; Huntingford, C.; Jung, M.; Levis, S.; Levy, P. E.; Li, J.; Lin, X.; Lomas, M. R.; Lu, M.; Luo, Y.; Ma, Y.; Myneni, R. B.; Poulter, B.; Sun, Z.; Wang, T.; Viovy, N.; Zaehle, S.; Zeng, N.: Evaluation of terrestrial carbon cycle models for their response to climate variability and to CO2 trends. Global Change Biology 19 (7), pp. 2117 - 2132 (2013)
Journal Article
Jung, M.; Tautenhahn, S.; Wirth, C.; Kattge, J.: Estimating basal area of spruce and fir in post-fire residual stands in Central Siberia using Quickbird, feature selection, and Random Forests. Procedia Computer Science 18, pp. 2386 - 2395 (2013)
Journal Article
Stegehuis, A. I.; Teuling, A. J.; Ciais, P.; Vautard, R.; Jung, M.: Future European temperature change uncertainties reduced by using land heat flux observations. Geophysical Research Letters 40 (10), pp. 2242 - 2245 (2013)
Journal Article
Luyssaert, S.; Abril, G.; Andres, R.; Bastviken, D.; Bellassen, V.; Bergamaschi, P.; Bousquet, P.; Chevallier, F.; Ciais, P.; Corazza, M. et al.; Dechow, R.; Erb, K. H.; Etiope, G.; Fortems-Cheiney, A.; Grassi, G.; Hartmann, J.; Jung, M.; Lathière, J.; Lohila, A.; Mayorga, E.; Moosdorf, N.; Njakou, D. S.; Otto, J.; Papale, D.; Peters, W.; Peylin, P.; Raymond, P.; Rödenbeck, C.; Saarnio, S.; Schulze, E. D.; Szopa, S.; Thompson, R.; Verkerk, P. J.; Vuichard, N.; Wang, R.; Wattenbach, M.; Zaehle, S.: The European land and inland water CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O balance between 2001 and 2005. Biogeosciences 9 (8), pp. 3357 - 3380 (2012)
Journal Article
Tautenhahn, S.; Heilmeier, H.; Jung, M.; Kahl, A.; Kattge, J.; Moffat, A. M.; Wirth, C.: Beyond distance-invariant survival in inverse recruitment modeling: A case study in Siberian Pinus sylvestris forests. Ecological Modelling 233, pp. 90 - 103 (2012)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y.; Leuning, R.; Chiew, F. H. S.; Wang, E.; Zhang, L.; Liu, C.; Sun, F.; Peel, M. C.; Shen, Y.; Jung, M.: Decadal trends in evaporation from global energy and water balances. Journal of Hydrometeorology 13 (1), pp. 379 - 391 (2012)
Journal Article
Bonan, G. B.; Lawrence, P. J.; Oleson, K. W.; Levis, S.; Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; Lawrence, D. M.; Swenson, S. C.: Improving canopy processes in the Community Land Model version 4 (CLM4) using global flux fields empirically inferred from FLUXNET data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 116, p. G02014 (2011)
Journal Article
Frankenberg, C.; Fisher, J. B.; Worden, J.; Badgley, G.; Saatchi, S. S.; Lee, J. E.; Toon, G. C.; Butz, A.; Jung, M.; Kuze, A. et al.; Yokota, T.: New global observations of the terrestrial carbon cycle from GOSAT: Patterns of plant fluorescence with gross primary productivity. Geophysical Research Letters 38, p. L17706 (2011)
Journal Article
Jimenez, C.; Prigent, C.; Mueller, B.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Mccabe, M. F.; Wood, E. F.; Rossow, W. B.; Balsamo, G.; Betts, A. K.; Dirmeyer, P. A. et al.; Fisher, J. B.; Jung, M.; Kanamitsu, M.; Reichle, R. H.; Reichstein, M.; Rodell, M.; Sheffield, J.; Tu, K.; Wang, K.: Global intercomparison of 12 land surface heat flux estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116, p. D02102 (2011)
Journal Article
Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; Margolis, H. A.; Cescatti, A.; Richardson, A. D.; Arain, M. A.; Arneth, A.; Bernhofer, C.; Bonal, D.; Chen, J. Q. et al.; Gianelle, D.; Gobron, N.; Kiely, G.; Kutsch, W.; Lasslop, G.; Law, B. E.; Lindroth, A.; Merbold, L.; Montagnani, L.; Moors, E. J.; Papale, D.; Sottocornola, M.; Vaccari, F.; Williams, C.: Global patterns of land-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat derived from eddy covariance, satellite, and meteorological observations. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 116, p. G00j07 (2011)
Journal Article
Mueller, B.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Jimenez, C.; Corti, T.; Hirschi, M.; Balsamo, G.; Ciais, P.; Dirmeyer, P.; Fisher, J. B.; Guo, Z. et al.; Jung, M.; Maignan, F.; Mccabe, M. F.; Reichle, R.; Reichstein, M.; Rodell, M.; Sheffield, J.; Teuling, A. J.; Wang, K.; Wood, E. F.; Zhang, Y.: Evaluation of global observations-based evapotranspiration datasets and IPCC AR4 simulations. Geophysical Research Letters 38 (6), p. L06402 (2011)
Journal Article
Pinty, B.; Jung, M.; Kaminski, T.; Lavergne, T.; Mund, M.; Plummer, S.; Thomas, E.; Widlowski, J. L.: Evaluation of the JRC-TIP 0.01° products over a mid-latitude deciduous forest site. Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (12), pp. 3567 - 3581 (2011)
Journal Article
Van Der Molen, M. K.; Dolman, A. J.; Ciais, P.; Eglin, T.; Gobron, N.; Law, B. E.; Meir, P.; Peters, W.; Phillips, O. L.; Reichstein, M. et al.; Chen, T.; Dekker, S. C.; Doubkova, M.; Friedl, M. A.; Jung, M.; Van Den Hurk, B.; De Jeu, R. A. M.; Kruijt, B.; Ohta, T.; Rebel, K. T.; Plummer, S.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Sitch, S.; Teuling, A. J.; Van Der Werf, G. R.; Wang, G.: Drought and ecosystem carbon cycling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (7), pp. 765 - 773 (2011)
Journal Article
Bahn, M.; Reichstein, M.; Davidson, E. A.; Grünzweig, J.; Jung, M.; Carbone, M. S.; Epron, D.; Misson, L.; Nouvellon, Y.; Roupsard, O. et al.; Savage, K.; Trumbore, S. E.; Gimeno, C.; Yuste, J. C.; Tang, J.; Vargas, R.; Janssens, I. A.: Soil respiration at mean annual temperature predicts annual total across vegetation types and biomes. Biogeosciences 7 (7), pp. 2147 - 2157 (2010)
Journal Article
Beer, C.; Reichstein, M.; Tomelleri, E.; Ciais, P.; Jung, M.; Carvalhais, N.; Rödenbeck, C.; Arain, M. A.; Baldocchi, D.; Bonan, G. B. et al.; Bondeau, A.; Cescatti, A.; Lasslop, G.; Lindroth, A.; Lomas, M.; Luyssaert, S.; Margolis, H.; Oleson, K. W.; Roupsard, O.; Veenendaal, E.; Viovy, N.; Williams, C.; Woodward, F. I.; Papale, D.: Terrestrial Gross Carbon Dioxide Uptake: Global Distribution and Covariation with Climate. Science 329 (5993), pp. 834 - 838 (2010)
Journal Article
Churkina, G.; Zaehle, S.; Hughes, J.; Viovy, N.; Chen, Y.; Jung, M.; Heumann, B. W.; Ramankutty, N.; Heimann, M.; Jones, C.: Interactions between nitrogen deposition, land cover conversion, and climate change determine the contemporary carbon balance of Europe. Biogeosciences 7 (9), pp. 2749 - 2764 (2010)
Journal Article
Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; Ciais, P.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Sheffield, J.; Goulden, M. L.; Bonan, G.; Cescatti, A.; Chen, J. Q.; De Jeu, R. et al.; Dolman, A. J.; Eugster, W.; Gerten, D.; Gianelle, D.; Gobron, N.; Heinke, J.; Kimball, J.; Law, B. E.; Montagnani, L.; Mu, Q. Z.; Mueller, B.; Oleson, K.; Papale, D.; Richardson, A. D.; Roupsard, O.; Running, S.; Tomelleri, E.; Viovy, N.; Weber, U.; Williams, C.; Wood, E.; Zaehle, S.; Zhang, K.: Recent decline in the global land evapotranspiration trend due to limited moisture supply. Nature 467 (7318), pp. 951 - 954 (2010)
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