Publikationen von J. Lloyd
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Zeitschriftenartikel (52)
6 (12), S. 2809 - 2827 (2009)
Fine root dynamics for forests on contrasting soils in the Colombian Amazon. Biogeosciences 2.
30 (5), S. 600 - 616 (2007)
Variations in 13C discrimination during CO2 exchange by Picea sitchensis branches in the field. Plant, Cell and Environment 3.
11 (4), S. 311 - 328 (2006)
Spring in the boreal environment: observations on pre- and post-melt energy and CO2 fluxes in two central Siberian ecosystems. Boreal Environment Research 4.
29 (5), S. 928 - 939 (2006)
Non-steady state effects in diurnal 18O discrimination by Picea sitchensis branches in the field. Plant, Cell and Environment 5.
26 (3), S. 325 - 336 (2006)
Excitation energy partitioning and quenching during cold acclimation in Scots pine. Tree Physiology 6.
359 (1443), S. 381 - 407 (2004)
Pattern and process in Amazon tree turnover, 1976-2001. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 7.
10 (3), S. 342 - 349 (2004)
Soil carbon inventories and δ13C along a moisture gradient in Botswana. Global Change Biology 8.
10 (6), S. 995 - 1008 (2004)
Intermittent low temperatures constrain spring recovery of photosynthesis in boreal Scots pine forests. Global Change Biology 9.
359 (1443), S. 421 - 436 (2004)
Concerted changes in tropical forest structure and dynamics: evidence from 50 South American long-term plots. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 10.
10 (5), S. 563 - 591 (2004)
The above-ground coarse wood productivity of 104 Neotropical forest plots. Global Change Biology 11.
10 (5), S. 877 - 885 (2004)
High rates of net ecosystem carbon assimilation by Brachiara pasture in the Brazilian Cerrado. Global Change Biology 12.
18 (4), S. GB4024 (2004)
Observations of O2:CO2 exchange ratios during ecosystem gas exchange. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 13.
112 (3), S. 467 - 502 (2004)
Using a one-and-a-half order closure model of the atmospheric boundary layer for surface flux footprint estimation. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 14.
10 (3), S. 318 - 328 (2004)
Seasonal variation in energy fluxes and carbon dioxide exchange for a broad-leaved semi-arid savanna (Mopane woodland) in Southern Africa. Global Change Biology 15.
17 (6), S. 711 - 719 (2003)
Effects of fire on surface carbon, energy and water vapour fluxes over campo sujo savanna in central Brazil. Functional Ecology 16.
9 (7), S. 1106 - 1117 (2003)
Microbial characteristics of soils on a latitudinal transect in Siberia. Global Change Biology 17.
9 (10), S. 1410 - 1426 (2003)
Air temperature triggers the recovery of evergreen boreal forest photosynthesis in spring. Global Change Biology 18.
54 (5), S. 514 - 530 (2002)
Comparative ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of energy and mass in a European Russian and a central Siberian bog II. Interseasonal and interannual variability of CO2 fluxes. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 19.
16 (1), S. 5-1 - 5-13 (2002)
Response of central Siberian Scots pine to soil water deficit and long-term trends in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 20.
54 (5), S. 631 - 641 (2002)
Soil carbon inventories and carbon-13 on a latitude transect in Siberia. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology