Publikationen von N. Kunert

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Kunert, N.; Schwendenmann, L.; Potvin, C.; Holscher, D.: Tree diversity enhances tree transpiration in a Panamanian forest plantation. Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (1), S. 135 - 144 (2012)
Schneebeli, M.; Wolf, S.; Kunert, N.; Eugster, W.; Matzler, C.: Relating the X-band opacity of a tropical tree canopy to sapflow, rain interception and dew formation. Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (8), S. 2116 - 2125 (2011)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Kunert, N.; Barros, P.; Higuchi, N.: Do palm water use characteristics explain the spatial distribution of palms in the Central Amazon? In: IX INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SAP FLOW, S. 197 - 204. 9th International Workshop on Sap Flow, Gent, BELGIUM, 04. Juni 2013 - 07. Juni 2013. INT SOC HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, PO BOX 500, 3001 LEUVEN 1, BELGIUM (2013)