At the edge of a field, a gray cylinder with an open lid stands out of the ground.

Publications of Akanksha Rai

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Bassi, L.; Hennecke, J.; Albracht, C.; Solbach, M. D.; Rai, A.; de Souza, Y. P. A.; Fox, A.; Zeng, M.; Döll, S.; Doan, V. C. et al.; Richter, R.; Kahl, A.; Sivers, L. V.; Winkler, L.; Eisenhauer, N.; Meyer, S. T.; van Dam, N. M.; Weigelt, A.: Plant species richness promotes the decoupling of leaf and root defence traits while species-specific responses in physical and chemical defences are rare. New Phytologist (2025)
Journal Article
Hennecke, J.; Bassi, L.; Albracht, C.; Amyntas, A.; Bergmann, J.; Eisenhauer, N.; Fox, A.; Heimbold, L.; Heintz-Buschart, A.; Kuyper, T. W. et al.; Lange, M.; de Souza, Y. P. A.; Rai, A.; Solbach, M. D.; Mommer, L.; Weigelt, A.: Plant species richness and the root economics space drive soil fungal communities. Ecology Letters 28 (1), e70032 (2025)
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