Publications of Taraka Davies-Barnard
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
19 (14), pp. 3491 - 3503 (2022)
Assessment of the impacts of biological nitrogen fixation structural uncertainty in CMIP6 earth system models. Biogeosciences 2.
Journal Article
14 (4), pp. 2161 - 2186 (2021)
JULES-CN: a coupled terrestrial carbon-nitrogen scheme (JULES vn5.1). Geoscientific Model Development 3.
Journal Article
7 (5), eabc7741 (2021)
Orographic evolution of northern Tibet shaped vegetation and plant diversity in eastern Asia. Science Advances 4.
Journal Article
17 (20), pp. 5129 - 5148 (2020)
Nitrogen cycling in CMIP6 land surface models: progress and limitations. Biogeosciences 5.
Journal Article
34 (3), e2019GB006387 (2020)
The global distribution of biological nitrogen fixation in terrestrial natural ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles