View on the Amazon rainforest from above

Publications of Sarosh Alam Ghausi

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Ghausi, S. A.; Zehe, E.; Ghosh, S.; Tian, Y.; Kleidon, A.: Thermodynamically inconsistent extreme precipitation sensitivities across continents driven by cloud-radiative effects. Nature Communications 15, 10669 (2024)
Journal Article
Tian, Y.; Kleidon, A.; Lesk, C.; Zhou, S.; Luo, X.; Ghausi, S. A.; Wang, G.; Zhong, D.; Zscheischler, J.: Characterizing heatwaves based on land surface energy budget. Communications Earth & Environment 5, 617 (2024)
Journal Article
Tian, Y.; Zhong, D.; Ghausi, S. A.; Wang, G.; Kleidon, A.: Understanding variations in downwelling longwave radiation using Brutsaert's equation. Earth System Dynamics 14 (6), pp. 1363 - 1374 (2023)
Journal Article
Ghausi, S. A.; Tian , Y.; Zehe, E.; Kleidon, A.: Radiative controls by clouds and thermodynamics shape surface temperatures and turbulent fluxes over land. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (29), e2220400120 (2023)
Journal Article
Tian, Y.; Ghausi, S. A.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Xie, D.; Cao, Y.; Mei, Y.; Wang, G.; Zhong, D.; Kleidon, A.: Radiation as the dominant cause of high-temperature extremes on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters 18 (7), 074007 (2023)
Journal Article
Ghausi, S. A.; Ghosh, S.; Kleidon, A.: Breakdown in precipitation–temperature scaling over India predominantly explained by cloud-driven cooling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (16), pp. 4431 - 4446 (2022)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Ghausi, S. A.: Interactions between the hydrological cycle and land surface temperatures: insights from a thermodynamic systems perspective. Dissertation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe (2024)
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