Publications of David Martini
All genres
Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
14, 3948 (2023)
Leaf-level coordination principles propagate to the ecosystem scale. Nature Communications 2.
Journal Article
323, 109060 (2022)
Evergreen broadleaf greenness and its relationship with leaf flushing, aging, and water fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 3.
Journal Article
233 (6), pp. 2415 - 2428 (2022)
Heatwave breaks down the linearity between sun-induced fluorescence and gross primary production. New Phytologist 4.
Journal Article
598, pp. 468 - 472 (2021)
The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function. Nature 5.
Journal Article
227 (1), pp. 156 - 167 (2020)
On the importance of root traits in seedlings of tropical tree species. New Phytologist 6.
Journal Article
240, 111722 (2020)
Reduction of structural impacts and distinction of photosynthetic pathways in a global estimation of GPP from space-borne solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. Remote Sensing of Environment 7.
Journal Article
234, 111362 (2019)
Multiple-constraint inversion of SCOPE. Evaluating the potential of GPP and SIF for the retrieval of plant functional traits. Remote Sensing of Environment 8.
Journal Article
11 (21), 2562 (2019)
Nitrogen and phosphorus effect on sun-induced fluorescence and gross primary productivity in mediterranean grassland. Remote Sensing 9.
Journal Article
268, pp. 189 - 201 (2019)
Modeling canopy conductance and transpiration from solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Deciphering the factors relating sun-induced fluorescence to photosythesis and transpiration in space and time. Dissertation, University of Twente, Twente (2022)