From left to right: Laura, Sinikka, Manuel (intern), Sung-Ching, Arvind

Publications of Heike Geilmann

Journal Article (32)

Journal Article
Schnabel, F.; Barry, K. E.; Eckhardt, S.; Guillemot, J.; Geilmann, H.; Kahl, A.; Moossen, H.; Bauhus, J.; Wirth, C.: Neighbourhood species richness and drought-tolerance traits modulate tree growth and delta13C responses to drought. Plant Biology 26 (2), pp. 330 - 345 (2024)
Journal Article
Chartrand, M. M. G.; Liu, F.-H.; Merrick, J. P.; Fasciotti, M.; Garrido, B. C.; Rego, E. C. P. d.; da Monteiro, T. V. C.; Wollinger, W.; Moossen, H.; Geilmann, H. et al.: Final report for CCQM-P212: coherence of carbon isotope delta reference materials. Metrologia 60 (1A), 08028 (2023)
Journal Article
Müller, A. T.; Reichelt, M.; Cosio, E. G.; Salinas, N.; Nina, A.; Wang, D.; Moossen, H.; Geilmann, H.; Gershenzon, J.; Köllner, T. G. et al.: Combined –omics framework reveals how ant symbionts benefit the Neotropical ant-plant Tococa quadrialata at different levels. iScience 25 (10), 105261 (2022)
Journal Article
Mohn, J.; Biasi, C.; Bodé, S.; Boeckx, P.; Brewer, P. J.; Eggleston, S.; Geilmann, H.; Guillevic, M.; Kaiser, J.; Kantnerová, K. et al.: Isotopically characterised N2O reference materials for use as community standards. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 36 (13), e9296 (2022)
Journal Article
Chartrand, M. M. G.; Kai, F. M.; Meijer, H. A. J.; Moossen, H.; Qi, H.; Aerts-Bijma, A. T.; Cui, Y.; Geilmann, H.; Mester, Z.; Meija, J.: Final report on pilot study CCQM-P211: carbon isotope delta measurements of vanillin. Metrologia 59 (1A), 08005 (2022)
Journal Article
Simon, C.; Pimentel, T. P.; Monteiro, M. T. F.; Candido, L. A.; Gastmans, D.; Geilmann, H.; da Oliveira, R. C.; Rocha, J. B.; Pires, E.; Quesada, C. A. et al.: Molecular links between whitesand ecosystems and blackwater formation in the Rio Negro watershed. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 311, pp. 274 - 291 (2021)
Journal Article
Qi, H.; Moossen, H.; Meijer, H. A.J.; Coplen, T. B.; Aerts-Bijma, A. T.; Reid, L.; Geilmann, H.; Richter, J.; Rothe, M.; Brand, W. A. et al.: USGS44, a new high purity calcium carbonate reference material for delta13C measurements. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 35 (4), e9006 (2021)
Journal Article
Komiya, S.; Kondo, F.; Moossen, H.; Seifert, T.; Schultz, U.; Geilmann, H.; Walter, D.; Lavrič, J. V.: Characterizing water vapour concentration dependence of commercial cavity ring-down spectrometers for continuous on-site atmospheric water vapour isotope measurements in the tropics. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (2), pp. 1439 - 1455 (2021)
Journal Article
Sperlich, P.; Moossen, H.; Geilmann, H.; Bury, S. J.; Brown, J. C.S.; Moss, R. C.; Brailsford, G. W.; Brand, W. A.: A robust method for direct calibration of isotope ratios in gases against liquid/solid reference materials, including a laboratory comparison for delta13C‐CH4. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 35 (1), e8944 (2020)
Journal Article
Greule, M.; Moossen, H.; Lloyd, M. K.; Geilmann, H.; Brand, W. A.; Eiler, J. M.; Qi, H.; Keppler, F.: Three wood isotopic reference materials for delta2H and delta13C measurements of plant methoxy groups. Chemical Geology 533, 119428 (2020)
Journal Article
Greule, M.; Moossen, H.; Geilmann, H.; Brand, W. A.; Keppler, F.: Methyl sulfates as methoxy isotopic reference materials for delta13C and delta2H measurements. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33 (4), pp. 343 - 350 (2019)
Journal Article
Mance, D.; Geilmann, H.; Brand, W. A.; Kewitz, T.; Kersten, H.: Changes of 2H and 18O abundances in water treated with non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Plasma Processes and Polymers 14 (10), e1600239 (2017)
Journal Article
Qi, H.; Coplen, T. B.; Gehre, M.; Vennemann, T. W.; Brand, W. A.; Geilmann, H.; Olack, G.; Bindeman, I. N.; Palandri, J.; Huang, L. et al.: New biotite and muscovite isotopic reference materials, USGS57 and USGS58, for δ2H measurements–A replacement for NBS 30. Chemical Geology 467, pp. 89 - 99 (2017)
Journal Article
Gehre, M.; Renpenning, J.; Geilmann, H.; Qi, H.; Coplen, T. B.; Kümmel, S.; Ivdra, N.; Brand, W. A.; Schimmelmann, A.: Optimization of on-line hydrogen stable isotope ratio measurements of halogen- and sulfur-bearing organic compounds using elemental analyzer–chromium/high-temperature conversion isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-Cr/HTC-IRMS). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 31 (6), pp. 475 - 484 (2017)
Journal Article
Sperlich, P.; Uitslag, N. A. M.; Richter, J. M.; Rothe, M.; Geilmann, H.; van der Veen, C.; Röckmann, T.; Blunier, T.; Brand, W. A.: Development and evaluation of a suite of isotope reference gases for methane in air. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9 (8), pp. 3717 - 3737 (2016)
Journal Article
Kaushal, R.; Ghosh, P.; Geilmann, H.: Fingerprinting environmental conditions and related stress using stable isotopic composition of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain organic matter. Ecological Indicators 61, pp. 941 - 951 (2016)
Journal Article
Mohn, J.; Gutjahr, W.; Toyoda, S.; Harris, E.; Ibraim, E.; Geilmann, H.; Schleppi, P.; Kuhn, T.; Lehmann, M. F.; Decock, C. et al.: Reassessment of the NH4NO3 thermal decomposition technique for calibration of the N2O isotopic composition. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30 (23), pp. 2487 - 2496 (2016)
Journal Article
Qi, H.; Coplen, T. B.; Mroczkowski, S. J.; Brand, W. A.; Brandes, L.; Geilmann, H.; Schimmelmann, A.: A new organic reference material, L-glutamic acid, USGS41a, for δ13C and δ15N measurements − a replacement for USGS41. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30 (7), pp. 859 - 866 (2016)
Journal Article
Nair, S.; Geilmann, H.; Coplen, T.; Qi, H.; Gehre, M.; Schimmelmann, A.; Brand, W. A.: Isotopic disproportionation during hydrogen isotopic analysis of nitrogen-bearing organic compounds. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 29 (9), pp. 878 - 884 (2015)
Journal Article
Schumacher, M.; Werner, R. A.; Meijer, H. A. J.; Jansen, H. G.; Brand, W. A.; Geilmann, H.; Neubert, R. E. M.: Oxygen isotopic signature of CO2 from combustion processes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (4), pp. 1473 - 1490 (2011)