Publications of Myroslava Khomik
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
514, pp. 213 - 217 (2014)
Global covariation of carbon turnover times with climate in terrestrial ecosystems. Nature 2.
Journal Article
26 (12), pp. 1779 - 1791 (2012)
The impact of induced drought on transpiration and growth in a temperate pine plantation forest. Hydrological Processes 3.
Journal Article
115, G03024 (2010)
Relative contributions of soil, foliar, and woody tissue respiration to total ecosystem respiration in four pine forests of different ages. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 4.
Journal Article
150, pp. 952 - 965 (2010)
Biometric and eddy-covariance based estimates of carbon fluxes in an age-sequence of temperate pine forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology