The Department of Biogeochemical Integration Team

Publications of C. Middelhoff

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Nitschke, N.; Ebeling, A.; Rottstock, T.; Scherber, C.; Middelhoff, C.; Creutzburg, S.; Weigelt, A.; Tscharntke, T.; Fischer, M.; Weisser, W. W.: Time course of plant diversity effects on Centaurea jacea establishment and the role of competition and herbivory. Journal of Plant Ecology 3 (2), pp. 109 - 121 (2010)
Journal Article
Scherber, C.; Eisenhauer, N.; Weisser, W. W.; Schmid, B.; Voigt, W.; Fischer, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Roscher, C.; Weigelt, A.; Allan, E. et al.; Bessler, H.; Bonkowski, M.; Buchmann, N.; Buscot, F.; Clement, L. W.; Ebeling, A.; Engels, C.; Halle, S.; Kertscher, I.; Klein, A. M.; Koller, R.; König, S.; Kowalski, E.; Kummer, V.; Kuu, A.; Lange, M.; Lauterbach, D.; Middelhoff, C.; Migunova, V. D.; Milcu, A.; Müller, R.; Partsch, S.; Petermann, J. S.; Renker, C.; Rottstock, T.; Sabais, A.; Scheu, S.; Schumacher, J.; Temperton, V. M.; Tscharntke, T.: Bottom-up effects of plant diversity on multitrophic interactions in a biodiversity experiment. Nature 468 (7323), pp. 553 - 556 (2010)
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