Publications of Reik Donner
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
11 (5), pp. 709 - 741 (2015)
Non-linear regime shifts in Holocene Asian monsoon variability: potential impacts on cultural change and migratory patterns. Climate of the Past 2.
Journal Article
66, 20921 (2014)
Changes in extreme sea-levels in the Baltic Sea. Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 3.
Journal Article
21 (6), pp. 1113 - 1126 (2014)
Long-term changes in the north-south asymmetry of solar activity: a nonlinear dynamics characterization using visibility graphs. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 4.
Journal Article
20, pp. 965 - 975 (2013)
Correlation-based characterisation of time-varying dynamical complexity in the Earth's magnetosphere. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 5.
Journal Article
88 (5), 052807 (2013)
Disentangling different types of El Nino episodes by evolving climate network analysis. Physical Review E 6.
Journal Article
15, pp. 4844 - 4888 (2013)
Statistical mechanics and information-theoretic perspectives on complexity in the earth system. Entropy