In Jena ist es Brauch, dass frischgebackene Doktor*innen einen Kranz über das Schwert vom Hanfried (Statue von Johann Friedrich I. von Sachsen, dem Begründer der Universität) auf dem Marktplatz werfen.(Das Foto zeigt einen Kranz, der in die Höhe geworfen wird und sein Ziel hoffentlich nicht verfehlt.

Publikationen von Marion Schrumpf

Zeitschriftenartikel (111)

Herold, N.; Schöning, I.; Berner, D.; Haslwimmer, H.; Kandeler, E.; Michalzik, B.; Schrumpf, M.: Vertical gradients of potential enzyme activities in soil profiles of European beech, Norway spruce and Scots pine dominated forest sites. Pedobiologia 57 (3), S. 181 - 189 (2014)
Herold, N.; Schöning, I.; Gutknecht, J.; Alt, F.; Boch, S.; Mueller, J.; Oelmann, Y.; Socher, S. A.; Wilcke, W.; Wubet, T. et al.; Schrumpf, M.: Soil property and management effects on grassland microbial communities across a latitudinal gradient in Germany. Applied Soil Ecology 73, S. 41 - 50 (2014)
Herold, N.; Schöning, I.; Michalzik, B.; Trumbore, S. E.; Schrumpf, M.: Controls on soil carbon storage and turnover in German landscapes. Biogeochemistry 119 (1-3), S. 435 - 451 (2014)
Solly, E.; Schöning, I.; Boch, S.; Kandeler, E.; Marhan, S.; Michalzik, B.; Müller, J.; Zscheischler, J.; Trumbore, S. E.; Schrumpf, M.: Factors controlling decomposition rates of fine root litter in temperate forests and grasslands. Plant and Soil 382, S. 203 - 218 (2014)
Klaus, V. H.; Hölzel, N.; Prati, D.; Schmitt, B.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Fischer, M.; Kleinebecker, T.: Organic vs. conventional grassland management: do 15N and 13C isotopic signatures of hay and soil samples differ? PLoS One 8 (10), e78134 (2013)
Solly, E.; Schöning, I.; Boch, S.; Müller, J.; Socher, S. A.; Trumbore, S. E.; Schrumpf, M.: Mean age of carbon in fine roots from temperate forests and grasslands with different management. Biogeosciences 10 (7), S. 4833 - 4843 (2013)
Schrumpf, M.; Kaiser, K.; Guggenberger, G.; Persson, T.; Kögel-Knabner, I.; Schulze, E.-D.: Storage and stability of organic carbon in soils as related to depth, occlusion within aggregates, and attachment to minerals. Biogeosciences 10, S. 1675 - 1691 (2013)
Wäldchen, J.; Schulze, E. D.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Sierra, C.: The influence of changes in forest management over the past 200 years on present soil organic carbon stocks. Forest Ecology and Management 289, S. 243 - 254 (2013)
Braakhekke, M. C.; Wutzler, T.; Beer, C.; Kattge, J.; Schrumpf, M.; Ahrens, B.; Schöning, I.; Hoosbeek, M. R.; Kruijt, B.; Kabat, P. et al.; Reichstein, M.: Modeling the vertical soil organic matter profile using Bayesian parameter estimation. Biogeosciences 10 (1), S. 399 - 420 (2013)
Schöning, I.; Grüneberg, E.; Sierra, C. A.; Hessenmöller, D.; Schrumpf, M.; Weisser, W.; Schulze, E.-D.: Causes of variation in mineral soil C content and turnover in differently managed beech dominated forests. Plant and Soil 370, S. 625 - 639 (2013)
Birkhofer, K.; Schöning, I.; Alt, F.; Herold, N.; Klarner, B.; Maraun, M.; Marhan, S.; Oelmann, Y.; Wubet, T.; Yurkov, A. et al.; Begerow, D.; Berner, D.; Buscot, F.; Daniel, R.; Diekötter, T.; Ehnes, R. B.; Erdmann, G.; Fischer, C.; Foesel, B.; Groh, J.; Gutknecht, J.; Kandeler, E.; Lang, C.; Lohaus, G.; Meyer, A.; Nacke, H.; Näther, A.; Overmann, J.; Polle, A.; Pollierer, M. M.; Scheu, S.; Schloter, M.; Schulze, E.-D.; Schulze, W.; Weinert, J.; Weisser, W. W.; Wolters, V.; Schrumpf, M.: General relationships between abiotic soil properties and soil biota across spatial scales and different land-use types. PLoS One 7 (8), e43292 (2012)
Wäldchen, J.; Schöning, I.; Mund, M.; Schrumpf, M.; Bock, S.; Herold, N.; Uwe Totsche, K.; Schulze, E. D.: Estimation of clay content from easily measurable water content of air-dried soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175 (3), S. 367 - 376 (2012)
Alt, F.; Oelmann, Y.; Herold, N.; Schrumpf, M.; Wilcke, W.: Phosphorus partitioning in grassland and forest soils of Germany as related to land-use type, management intensity, and land use-related pH. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174 (2), S. 195 - 209 (2011)
Braakhekke, M. C.; Beer, C.; Hoosbeek, M. R.; Reichstein, M.; Kruijt, B.; Schrumpf, M.; Kabat, P.: SOMPROF: A vertically explicit soil organic matter model. Ecological Modelling 222 (10), S. 1712 - 1730 (2011)
Kindler, R.; Siemens, J.; Kaiser, K.; Walmsley, D. C.; Bernhofer, C.; Buchmann, N.; Cellier, P.; Eugster, W.; Gleixner, G.; Grünwald, T. et al.; Heim, A.; Ibrom, A.; Jones, S. K.; Jones, M.; Klumpp, K.; Kutsch, W.; Larsen, K. S.; Lehuger, S.; Loubet, B.; Mckenzie, R.; Moors, E.; Osborne, B.; Pilegaard, K.; Rebmann, C.; Saunders, M.; Schmidt, M. W. I.; Schrumpf, M.; Seyfferth, J.; Skiba, U.; Soussana, J. F.; Sutton, M. A.; Tefs, C.; Vowinckel, B.; Zeeman, M. J.; Kaupenjohann, M.: Dissolved carbon leaching from soil is a crucial component of the net ecosystem carbon balance. Global Change Biology 17 (2), S. 1167 - 1185 (2011)
Loubet, B.; Laville, P.; Lehuger, S.; Larmanou, E.; Flechard, C.; Mascher, N.; Genermont, S.; Roche, R.; Ferrara, R. M.; Stella, P. et al.; Personne, E.; Durand, B.; Decuq, C.; Flura, D.; Masson, S.; Fanucci, O.; Rampon, J. N.; Siemens, J.; Kindler, R.; Gabrielle, B.; Schrumpf, M.; Cellier, P.: Carbon, nitrogen and Greenhouse gases budgets over a four years crop rotation in northern France. Plant and Soil 343 (1-2), S. 109 - 137 (2011)
Nacke, H.; Thürmer, A.; Wollherr, A.; Will, C.; Hodac, L.; Herold, N.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Daniel, R.: Pyrosequencing-based assessment of bacterial community structure along different management types in German forest and grassland soils. Plos One 6 (2), e17000 (2011)
Schrumpf, M.; Axmacher, J. C.; Zech, W.; Lyaruu, H. V. M.: Net precipitation and soil water dynamics in clearings, old secondary and old-growth forests in the montane rain forest belt of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Hydrological Processes 25 (3), S. 418 - 428 (2011)
Schrumpf, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Kaiser, K.; Schumacher, J.: How accurately can soil organic carbon stocks and stock changes be quantified by soil inventories? Biogeosciences 8 (5), S. 1193 - 1212 (2011)
Kutsch, W. L.; Aubinet, M.; Buchmann, N.; Smith, P.; Osborne, B.; Eugster, W.; Wattenbach, M.; Schrumpf, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Tomelleri, E. et al.; Ceschia, E.; Bernhofer, C.; Béziat, P.; Carrara, A.; Di Tommasi, P.; Grünwald, T.; Jones, M.; Magliulo, V.; Marloie, O.; Moureaux, C.; Olioso, A.; Sanz, M. J.; Saunders, M.; Søgaard, H.; Ziegler, W.: The net biome production of full crop rotations in Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139 (3), S. 336 - 345 (2010)
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