Publications of Henrik Hartmann

Journal Article (105)

Journal Article
Hartmann, H.; Beaudet, M.; Mazerolle, M. J.; Messier, C.: Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) growth is influenced by close conspecifics and skid trail proximity following selection harvest. Forest Ecology and Management 258 (5), pp. 823 - 831 (2009)
Journal Article
Hartmann, H.; Beaudet, M.; Messier, C.: Using longitudinal survival probabilities to test field vigour estimates in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). Forest Ecology and Management 256 (10), pp. 1771 - 1779 (2008)
Journal Article
Hartmann, H.; Messier, C.: The role of forest tent caterpillar defoliations and partial harvest in the decline and death of sugar maple. Annals of Botany 102 (3), pp. 377 - 387 (2008)
Journal Article
Nolet, P.; Hartmann, H.; Bouffard, D.; Doyon, F.: Predicted and observed sugar maple mortality in relation to site quality indicators. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 24 (4), pp. 258 - 264 (2007)
Journal Article
Hartmann, H.; Messier, C.; Beaudet, M.: Improving tree mortality models by accounting for environmental influences. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (11), pp. 2106 - 2114 (2007)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Türke, M.; Feldmann, R.; Fürst, B.; Hartmann, H.; Herrmann, M.; Klotz, S.; Mathias, G.; Meldau, S.; Ottenbreit, M.; Reth, S. et al.: Multitrophische Biodiversitätsmanipulation unter kontrollierten Umweltbedingungen im iDiv Ecotron. In: 17. Lysimetertagung, 09.-10.Mai 2017 an der HBLFA Raumbach-Gumpenstein, pp. 107 - 114 (Ed. Arbeitsgruppe Lysimeter, L.). Lysimetertagung, Raumberg-Gumpenstein, May 09, 2017 - May 10, 2017. (2017)

Thesis - Habilitation (1)

Thesis - Habilitation
Hartmann, H.: You can’t always get what you want – Patterns and control mechanisms of carbon allocation in plants under stress and resource limitation. Habilitation, 166 pp., Technical University of Munich, München (2017)

Preprint (1)

Mosig, C.; Vajna-Jehle, J.; Mahecha, M. D.; Cheng, Y.; Hartmann, H.; Montero, D.; Junttila, S.; Horion, S.; Schwenke, M. B.; Adu-Bredu, S. et al.: - An open-access and interactive database for centimeter-scale aerial imagery to uncover global tree mortality dynamics. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)