Publikationen von Maarten C. Braakhekke
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Zeitschriftenartikel (6)
88, S. 390 - 402 (2015)
Contribution of sorption, DOC transport and microbial interactions to the 14C age of a soil organic carbon profile: Insights from a calibrated process model. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2.
119 (3), S. 372 - 391 (2014)
The use of radiocarbon to constrain current and future soil organic matter turnover and transport in a temperate forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 3.
10 (1), S. 399 - 420 (2013)
Modeling the vertical soil organic matter profile using Bayesian parameter estimation. Biogeosciences 4.
222 (10), S. 1712 - 1730 (2011)
SOMPROF: A vertically explicit soil organic matter model. Ecological Modelling 5.
115, BGC1334, S. G02003 (2010)
Comparing observations and process-based simulations of biosphere-atmosphere exchanges on multiple time scales. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 6.
6 (2), S. 285 - 295 (2009)
The interannual variability of Africa's ecosystem productivity: a multi-model analysis. Biogeosciences