Top-down view of a mixed forest with many dead trees, whose dead, bare branches appear white in between the green of the healthy trees.

Publications of Martin Göbel

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Lehmanski, L. M. A.; Kösters, L.; Huang, J.; Göbel, M.; Gershenzon, J.; Hartmann, H.: Windthrow causes declines in carbohydrate and phenolic concentrations and increased monoterpene emission in Norway spruce. PLOS ONE 19 (5), e0302714 (2024)
Journal Article
Helm, J.; Hartmann, H.; Göbel, M.; Hilman, B.; Herrera, D. A.; Muhr, J.: Low-cost chamber design for simultaneous CO2 and O2 flux measurements between tree stems and the atmosphere. Tree Physiology 41 (9), pp. 1767 - 1780 (2021)
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