Publikationen von Marion Schrumpf

Zeitschriftenartikel (111)

Nair, R.; Luo, Y.; El-Madany, T. S.; Rolo, V.; Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Caldararu, S.; Morris, K. A.; Schrumpf, M.; Carrara, A.; Moreno, G. et al.; Reichstein, M.; Migliavacca, M.: Nitrogen availability and summer drought, but not N:P imbalance, drive carbon use efficiency of a Mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem. Global Change Biology 30 (9), e17486 (2024)
Wutzler, T.; Reimers, C.; Ahrens, B.; Schrumpf, M.: Optimal enzyme allocation leads to the constrained enzyme hypothesis: the Soil Enzyme Steady Allocation Model (SESAM; v3.1)). Geoscientific Model Development 17 (7), S. 2705 - 2725 (2024)
Wilcke, W.; Zimmer, V.; Bauhus, J.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Michalzik, B.; Siemen, J.: Disentangling the effects of region, forest‑management intensity and plant diversity on litterfall quantity, quality and turnover in temperate forests. Plant and Soil 497, S. 397 - 412 (2024)
Brandt, L.; Poll, C.; Ballauff, J.; Schrumpf, M.; Bramble, D. S.; Schöning, I.; Ulrich, S.; Kaiser, K.; Mikutta, R.; Mikutta, C. et al.; Polle, A.; Kandeler, E.: Mineral type versus environmental filters: What shapes the composition and functions of fungal communities in the mineralosphere of forest soils? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 190, 109288 (2024)
Neyret, M.; Le Provost, G.; Boesing, A. L.; Schneider, F. D.; Baulechner, D.; Bergmann, J.; de Vries, F.; Fiore-Donno, A. M.; Geisen, S.; Goldmann, K. et al.; Merges, A.; Saifutdinov, R. A.; Simons, N. K.; Tobias, J. A.; Zaitsev, A. S.; Gossner, M. M.; Jung, K.; Kandeler, E.; Krauss, J.; Penone, C.; Schloter, M.; Schulz, S.; Staab, M.; Wolters, V.; Apostolakis, A.; Birkhofer, K.; Boch, S.; Boeddinghaus, R. S.; Bolliger, R.; Bonkowski, M.; Buscot, F.; Dumack, K.; Fischer, M.; Gan, H. Y.; Heinze, J.; Hölzel, N.; John, K.; Klaus, V. H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Marhan, S.; Müller, J.; Renner, S. C.; Rillig, M.; Schenk, N. V.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Seibold, S.; Socher, S.; Solly, E. F.; Teuscher, M.; van Kleunen, M.; Wubet, T.; Manning, P.: A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land-use intensification. Nature Communications 15, 1251 (2024)
Bramble, D. S.; Ulrich, S.; Schöning, I.; Mikutta, R.; Brandt, L.; Poll, C.; Kandeler, E.; Mikutta, C.; Konrad, A.; Siemens, J. et al.; Yang, Y.; Polle, A.; Schall, P.; Ammer, C.; Kaiser, K.; Schrumpf, M.: Formation of mineral-associated organic matter in temperate soils is primarily controlled by mineral type and modified by land use and management intensity. Global Change Biology 30 (1), e17024 (2024)
Stoner, S.; Trumbore, S. E.; González-Pérez, J. A.; Schrumpf, M.; Sierra, C. A.; Hoyt, A. M.; Chadwick, O.; Doetterl, S.: Relating mineral–organic matter stabilization mechanisms to carbon quality and age distributions using ramped thermal analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 381 (2261), 20230139 (2023)
Stoner, S.; Schrumpf, M.; Hoyt, A. M.; Sierra, C. A.; Doetterl, S.; Galy, V.; Trumbore, S. E.: How well does ramped thermal oxidation quantify the age distribution of soil carbon? Assessing thermal stability of physically and chemically fractionated soil organic matter. Biogeosciences 20 (15), S. 3151 - 3163 (2023)
Brandt, L.; Stache, F.; Poll, C.; Bramble, D. S.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Ulrich, S.; Kaiser, K.; Mikutta, R.; Mikutta, C.: Mineral type and land-use intensity control composition and functions of microorganisms colonizing pristine minerals in grassland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 182, 109037 (2023)
Apostolakis, A.; Schöning, I.; Michalzik, B.; Ammer, C.; Schall, P.; Hänsel, F.; Nauss, T.; Trumbore, S. E.; Schrumpf, M.: Forest structure and fine root biomass influence soil CO2 efflux in temperate forests under drought. Forests 14 (2), 411 (2023)
Le Provost, G.; Schenk, N. V.; Penone, C.; Thiele, J.; Westphal, C.; Allan, E.; Ayasse, M.; Blüthgen, N.; Boeddinghaus, R. S.; Boesing, A. L. et al.; Bolliger, R.; Busch, V.; Fischer, M.; Gossner, M. M.; Hölzel, N.; Jung, K.; Kandeler, E.; Klaus, V. H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Leimer, S.; Marhan, S.; Morris, K.; Müller, S.; Neff, F.; Neyret, M.; Oelmann, Y.; Perović, D. J.; Peter, S.; Prati, D.; Rillig, M. C.; Saiz, H.; Schäfer, D.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Schloter, M.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Steckel, J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Tschapka, M.; Vogt, J.; Weiner, C.; Weisser, W.; Wells, K.; Werner, M.; Wilcke, W.; Manning, P.: The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, S. 236 - 249 (2023)
Yu, L.; Caldararu, S.; Ahrens, B.; Wutzler, T.; Schrumpf, M.; Helfenstein, J.; Pistocchi, C.; Zaehle, S.: Improved representation of phosphorus exchange on soil mineral surfaces reduces estimates of phosphorus limitation in temperate forest ecosystems. Biogeosciences 20 (1), S. 57 - 73 (2023)
Wutzler, T.; Yu, L.; Schrumpf, M.; Zaehle, S.: Simulating long-term responses of soil organic matter turnover to substrate stoichiometry by abstracting fast and small-scale microbial processes: the Soil Enzyme Steady Allocation Model (SESAM; v3.0). Geoscientific Model Development 15 (22), S. 8377 - 8393 (2022)
Baumann, K.; Eckhardt, K.-U.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Leinweber, P.: Clay fraction properties and grassland management imprint on soil organic matter composition and stability at molecular level. Soil Use and Management 38 (4), S. 1578 - 1596 (2022)
Akinyede, R.; Taubert, M.; Schrumpf, M.; Trumbore, S. E.; Küsel, K.: Temperature sensitivity of dark CO2 fixation in temperate forest soils. Biogeosciences 19 (17), S. 4011 - 4028 (2022)
Apostolakis, A.; Schöning, I.; Michalzik, B.; Klaus, V. H.; Boeddinghaus, R. S.; Kandeler, E.; Marhan, S.; Bolliger, R.; Fischer, M.; Prati, D. et al.; Hänsel, F.; Nauss, T.; Hölzel, N.; Kleinebecker, T.; Schrumpf, M.: Drivers of soil respiration across a management intensity gradient in temperate grasslands under drought. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 124, S. 101 - 116 (2022)
Morris, K. A.; Richter, A.; Migliavacca, M.; Schrumpf, M.: Growth of soil microbes is not limited by the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in a Mediterranean oak-savanna. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 169, 108680 (2022)
Apostolakis, A.; Schöning, I.; Klaus, V. H.; Michalzik, B.; Bischoff, W.; Boeddinghaus, R. S.; Bolliger, R.; Fischer, M.; Hölzel, N.; Kandeler, E. et al.; Kleinebecker, T.; Manning, P.; Marhan, S.; Neyret, M.; Oelmann, Y.; Prati, D.; van Kleunen, M.; Schwarz, A.; Schurig, E.; Schrumpf, M.: Direct and plant community mediated effects of management intensity on annual nutrient leaching risk in temperate grasslands. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 123, S. 83 - 104 (2022)
Chabbi, A.; Rumpel, C.; Hagedorn, F.; Schrumpf, M.; Baveye, P. C.: Editorial: Carbon storage in agricultural and forest soils. Frontiers of Environmental Science 10, 848572 (2022)
Sikorski, J.; Baumgartner, V.; Birkhofer, K.; Boeddinghaus, R. S.; Bunk, B.; Fischer, M.; Fösel, B. U.; Friedrich, M. W.; Göker, M.; Hölzel, N. et al.; Huang, S.; Huber, K. J.; Kandeler, E.; Klaus, V. H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Marhan, S.; von Mering, C.; Oelmann, Y.; Prati, D.; Regan, K. M.; Richter-Heitmann, T.; Rodrigues, J. F. M.; Schmitt, B.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Schurig, E.; Solly, E.; Wolters, V.; Overmann, J.: The evolution of ecological diversity in Acidobacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 715637 (2022)
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