Publications of C. A. Sierra

Journal Article (101)

Journal Article
Luyssaert, S.; Inglima, I.; Jung, M.; Richardson, A. D.; Reichstein, M.; Papale, D.; Piao, S. L.; Schulze, E. D.; Wingate, L.; Matteucci, G. et al.: The CO2 balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global database. Global Change Biology 13 (12), pp. 2509 - 2537 (2007)

Book Chapter (8)

Book Chapter
Sierra, C. A.: Time characteristics of compartmental systems. In: Land carbon cycle modeling: Matrix approach, data assimilation, & ecological forecasting, pp. 123 - 127 (Eds. Luo, Y.; Smith, B.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (2023)
Book Chapter
Sierra, C. A.: Compartmental dynamical systems and carbon cycle models. In: Land carbon cycle modeling: Matrix approach, data assimilation, & ecological forecasting, pp. 57 - 64 (Eds. Luo, Y.; Smith, B.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press (2023)
Book Chapter
Sierra, C.; Crow, S. E.: Modeling soil organic carbon dynamics, carbon sequestration, and the climate benefit of sequestration. In: Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration (Ed. Rumpell, C.). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK (2022)
Book Chapter
Riley, W. J.; Sierra, C.; Tang, J.; Bouskill, N. J.; Zhu, Q.; Abramoff, R.: Next-generation soil biogeochemistry model representations: A proposed community open-source model farm (BeTR-S). In: Multi‐scale biogeochemical processes in soil ecosystems: Critical reactions and resilience to climate changes, pp. 233 - 257 (Eds. Yang, Y.; Keiluweit, M.; Senesi, N.; Xing, B.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Hoboken, New Jersey (2022)
Book Chapter
Giraldo, J. A.; del Valle, J. I.; Sierra, C. A.; Melo, O.: Dendrochronological potential of trees from America’s rainiest region. In: Latin American dendroecology: Combining tree-ring sciences and ecology in a megadiverse territory, pp. 79 - 119 (Eds. Pompa-Garcia , M.; Camarero, J. J.). Springer, Cham (2020)
Book Chapter
Sierra, C. A.: Approaches to model processes at the ecosystem level. In: Plant Ecology, pp. 513 - 527 (Eds. Schulze, E. D.; Beck, E.; Buchmann, N.; Clemens, S.; Müller-Hohenstein, K. et al.). Springer, Berlin (2019)
Book Chapter
Wells, J. M.; Crow, S. E.; Meki, M. N.; Sierra, C.; Carlson, K. M.; Youkhana, A.; Richardson, D.; Deem, L.: Maximizing soil carbon sequestration: assessing procedural barriers to carbon management in cultivated tropical perennial grass systems. In: Recent Advances in Carbon Capture and Storage, pp. 151 - 169 (Ed. Yun, Y.). InTech, Research Triangle Park, NC (2017)
Book Chapter
Trumbore, S. E.; Sierra, C.; Pries, C. E. H.: Radiocarbon nomenclature, theory, models, and interpretation: measuring age, determing cycling rates, and tracing source pools. In: Radiocarbon and Global Change, pp. 45 - 82 (Eds. Schuur, E. A. G.; Druffel, E. R. M.; Trumbore, S. E.). Springer, Cham (2016)

Preprint (1)

Metzler, H.; Sierra, C. A.: Information content and maximum entropy of compartmental systems in equilibrium. ArXiv (2023)