Changes in Saxony's hydrological budget were largely due to forest decline

The resulting data clearly show the effects of climate warming on the regional evaporation and the hydrological budget in Saxony. However, the main cause for changes in the water balance was found to be industrial air pollution. For the ridges of the mid-mountain areas the forest decline due to air pollution was the critical factor.
Original publication:
Separating the effects of changes in land cover and climate: a hydro-meteorological analysis of the past 60 yr in Saxony, Germany
Renner, M., Brust, K., Schwärzel, K., Volk, M., Bernhofer, C. (2014). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18, 389-405.
Contact at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry:
Dr. Maik Renner
Ph.: +49 3641 57 – 6223
Photo (clipping): Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1989-1206-012 / CC-BY-SA
Fichtelberg im Erzgebirge bei Oberwiesenthal
Author Heinz Hirndorf, December 1989