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Modeling and evaluating terrestrial biospheric exchanges of water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen in the global climate system. In: Geosphere-biosphere interactions and climate, S. 52 - 65 (Hg. Bengtsson, L.; Hammer, C. U.). Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Cambridge (2001)
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Assessing of concentration footprint climatology at Zotino tall tower observatory (ZOTTO) in the boreal forest of central Siberia. In: Water Resources, Forest, Marine and Ocean Ecosystems Conference Proceedings, SGEM 2016, Bd. 677.
48, S. 1 - 8 (Hg. Gordov, E.). (2016)
Linking trace gas measurements and molecular tracers of organic matter in aerosols for identification of ecosystem sources and types of wildfires in Central Siberia. In: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Bd. 678.
47, S. 165 - 172 (Hg. Schreier, G.; Skrovseth, P. E.; Staudenrausch, H.). (2015)
The greenhouse gas project of ESA`s climate change initiative (GHG-CCI): overview, achievements and future plans. In: ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Bd. Datenpublikation (2)
Atmospheric flask sampling program of MPI-BGC, version 2022.1. (2022)
The atmospheric flask sampling program of MPI-BGC, Version 13, 2022. (2022)
Preprint (2)
Advancing N2O flux chamber measurement techniques in nutrient-poor ecosystems. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions (2025)
Rapid rise in the global ocean carbon sink determined from atmospheric oxygen observations. Research Square (2024)