Zeitschriftenartikel (615)

Chaves, M. M.; Pantschitz, E.; Schulze, E.-D.: Growth and photosynthetic carbon metabolism in tobacco plants under an oscillating CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Plant Biology 3 (4), S. 417 - 425 (2001)
Falge, E.; Baldocchi, D.; Olson, R.; Anthoni, P.; Aubinet, M.; Bernhofer, C.; Burba, G.; Ceulemans, G.; Clement, R.; Dolman, H. et al.; Granier, A.; Gross, P.; Grünwald, T.; Hollinger, D.; Jensen, N.-O.; Katul, G.; Keronen, P.; Kowalski, A.; Lai, C. T.; Law, B. E.; Meyers, T.; Moncrieff, J.; Moors, E.; Munger, J. W.; Pilegaard, K.; Rannik, Ü.; Rebmann, C.; Suyker, A.; Tenhunen, J.; Tu, K.; Verma, S.; Vesala, T.; Wilson, K.; Wofsy, S.: Gap filling strategies for long term energy flux data sets. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 107 (1), S. 71 - 77 (2001)
Falge, E.; Baldocchi, D.; Olson, R.; Anthoni, P.; Aubinet, M.; Bernhofer, C.; Burba, G.; Ceulemans, R.; Clement, R.; Dolman, H. et al.; Granier, A.; Gross, P.; Grünwald, T.; Hollinger, D.; Jensen, N.-O.; Katul, G.; Keronen, P.; Kowalski, A.; Lai, C. T.; Law, B. E.; Meyers, T.; Moncrieff, H.; Moors, E.; Munger, J. W.; Pilegaard, K.; Rannik, Ü.; Rebmann, C.; Suyker, A.; Tenhunen, J.; Tu, K.; Verma, S.; Vesala, T.; Wilson, K.; Wofsy, S.: Gap filling strategies for defensible annual sums of net ecosystem exchange. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 107 (1), S. 43 - 69 (2001)
Gleixner, G.; Poirier, N.: Molecular turnover rates of soil organic matter. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 221, S. 27 - GEOC (2001)
Heilmeier, H.; Erhard, M.; Wartinger, A.; Brinckmann, E.; Horn, R.; Schulze, E.-D.: Biomass partitioning in response to soil drought: A pot experiment with Prunus dulcis trees during four years. Basic and Applied Ecology 2 (2), S. 165 - 175 (2001)
Janssens, I. A.; Lankreijer, H.; Matteucci, G.; Kowalski, A. S.; Buchmann, N.; Epron, D.; Pilegaard, K.; Kutsch, W.; Longdoz, B.; Grünwald, T. et al.; Montagnani, L.; Dore, S.; Rebmann, C.; Moors, E. J.; Grelle, A.; Rannik, Ü.; Morgenstern, K.; Oltchev, S.; Clement, R.; Gudmundsson, J.; Minerbi, S.; Berbigier, P.; Ibrom, A.; Moncrieff, J.; Aubinet, M.; Bernhofer, C.; Jensen, N. O.; Vesala, T.; Granier, A.; Schulze, E.-D.; Lindroth, A.; Dolman, A. J.; Jarvis, P. G.; Ceulemans, R.; Valentini, R.: Productivity overshadows temperature in determining soil and ecosystem respiration across European forests. Global Change Biology 7 (3), S. 269 - 278 (2001)
Jarvis, P. G.; Dolman, A. J.; Schulze, E.-D.; Matteucci, G.; Kowalski, A. S.; Ceulemans, R.; Rebmann, C.; Moors, E. J.; Granier, A.; Gross, P. et al.; Jensen, N. O.; Pilegaard, K.; Lindroth, A.; Grelle, A.; Bernhofer, C.; Grünwald, T.; Aubinet, M.; Vesala, T.; Rannik, Ü.; Berbigier, P.; Loustau, D.; Guðmundsson, J.; Ibrom, A.; Morgenstern, K.; Clement, R.; Moncrieff, J.; Montagnani, L.; Minerbi, S.; Valentini, R.: Carbon balance gradient in European forests: should we doubt 'surprising' results? A reply to Piovesan & Adams. Journal of Vegetation Science 12 (1), S. 145 - 150 (2001)
Joshi, J.; Schmid, B.; Caldeira, M. C.; Dimitrakopoulos, P. G.; Good, J.; Harris, R.; Hector, A.; Huss-Danell, K.; Jumpponen, A.; Minns, A. et al.; Mulder, C. P. H.; Pereira, J. S.; Prinz, A.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Siamantziouras, A.-S. D.; Terry, A. C.; Troumbis, A. Y.; Lawton, J. H.: Local adaptation enhances performance of common plant species. Ecology Letters 4 (6), S. 536 - 544 (2001)
Jux, A.; Gleixner, G.; Boland, W.: Classification of terpenoids according to the methylerythritolphosphate or the mevalonate pathway with natural 12C/13C isotope ratios: Dynamic allocation of resources in induced plants. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 40 (11), S. 2091 - 2093 (2001)
Kirschbaum, M. U. F.; Schlamadinger, B.; Cannell, M. G. R.; Hamburg, S. P.; Karjalainen, T.; Kurz, W. A.; Prisley, S.; Schulze, E.-D.; Singh, T. P.: A generalised approach of accounting for biospheric carbon stock changes under the Kyoto Protocol. Environmental Science and Policy 4, S. 73 - 85 (2001)
Lloyd, J.; Francey, R. J.; Mollicone, D.; Raupach, M. R.; Sogachev, A.; Arneth, A.; Byers, J. N.; Kelliher, F. M.; Rebmann, C.; Valentini, R. et al.; Wong, S.-C.; Bauer, G.; Schulze, E.-D.: Vertical profiles, boundary layer budgets, and regional flux estimates for CO2 and its 13C/12C ratio and for water vapor above a forest/bog mosaic in central Siberia. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 15 (2), S. 267 - 284 (2001)
Minns, A.; Finn, J.; Hector, A.; Caldeira, M.; Joshi, J.; Palmborg, C.; Schmid, B.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Spehn, E.; Troumbis, A.: The functioning of European grassland ecosystems: potential benefits of biodiversity to agriculture. Outlook on Agriculture 30 (3), S. 179 - 185 (2001)
Paulsch, A.; Czimczik, C. I.: Classification of tropical mountane shrub vegetation - a structural approach. Die Erde 132, S. 27 - 41 (2001)
Radke, J.; Körner, F.; Püttmann, W.; Schneider, J. W.; Schwark, L.; Gleixner, G.: Compound-specific stable hydrogen isotope ratios of lipids from different paleoenvironments and paleoclimates. Terra Nostra 4, S. 57 - 59 (2001)
Santos, G. M.; Bird, M. I.; Pillans, B.; Fifield, L. K.; Alloway, B. V.; Chappell, J.; Hausladen, P. A.; Arneth, A.: Radiocarbon dating of wood using different pretreatment procedures: Application to the chronology of Rotoehu Ash, New Zealand. Radiocarbon 43 (2A), S. 239 - 248 (2001)
Schimel, D. S.; House, J. I.; Hibbard, K. A.; Bousquet, P.; Ciais, P.; Peylin, P.; Braswell, B. H.; Apps, M. J.; Baker, D.; Bondeau, A. et al.; Canadell, J.; Churkina, G.; Cramer, W.; Denning, A. S.; Field, C. B.; Friedlingstein, P.; Goodale, C.; Heimann, M.; Houghton, R. A.; Melillo, J. M.; Moore Iii, B.; Murdiyarso, D.; Noble, I.; Pacala, S. W.; Prentice, I. C.; Raupach, M. R.; Rayner, P. J.; Scholes, R. J.; Steffen, W. L.; Wirth, C.: Recent patterns and mechanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems. Nature 414 (6860), S. 169 - 172 (2001)
Schmidt, M. W. I.; Skjemstad, J. O.; Czimczik, C. I.; Glaser, B.; Prentice, K. M.; Gelinas, Y.; Kuhlbusch, T. A. J.: Comparative analysis of black carbon in soils. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 15 (1), S. 163 - 167 (2001)
Schulze, E.-D.: Bedeutung der Wälder für den globalen CO2-Haushalt. AFZ, der Wald 56 (2), S. 56 - 58 (2001)
Schulze, E.-D.: Die Wälder als Kohlenstoffsenke. Eine Erwiderung zur Stellungnahme von "Prima Klima". AFZ, der Wald 16, S. 836 - 838 (2001)
Schulze, W.; Schulze, E. D.; Schulze, I.; Oren, R.: Quantification of insect nitrogen utilization by the venus fly trap Dionaea muscipula catching prey with highly variable isotope signatures. Journal of Experimental Botany 52 (358), S. 1041 - 1049 (2001)
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