Journal Article (11)
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A poisoned apple: First insights into community assembly and networks of the fungal pathobiome of healthy-looking senescing leaves of temperate trees in mixed forest ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science 2.
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More than you can see: Unraveling the ecology and biodiversity of lichenized fungi associated with leaves and needles of 12 temperate tree species using high-throughput sequencing. Frontiers in Microbiology 3.
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Analytical investigations to estimate phosphorus re‑dissolution rates in trace levels of selected topsoils and river sediments. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 4.
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Carbon fixation rates in groundwater similar to those in oligotrophic marine systems. Nature Geoscience 5.
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Drought reduces release of plant matter into dissolved organic matter potentially restraining ecosystem recovery. Frontiers in Soil Science 6.
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Plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi efficiently acquire Nitrogen from substrate additions by shaping the decomposer community composition and their net plant carbon demand. Plant and Soil 7.
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Microbial community functioning during plant litter decomposition. Scientific Reports 8.
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The unexpectedly short Holocene Humid Period in Northern Arabia. Communications Earth & Environment 9.
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Nematode grazing increases the allocation of plant-derived carbon to soil bacteria and saprophytic fungi, and activates bacterial species of the rhizosphere. Pedobiologia 10.
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Insights into the known 13C depletion of methane—contribution of the kinetic isotope effects on the serine hydroxymethyltransferase reaction. Frontiers in Chemistry 11.
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Mass difference matching unfolds hidden molecular structures of dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology