Our contribution to the global atmospheric observation network for biogeochemically relevant atmospheric species includes 12 sites with regular sampling in 2021, some with records since 2004. Typically, at each site every week flask triplets are filled with atmospheric air. Routinely, on all flask samples measurements by gas chromatography (GC) are performed of the mixing ratio of CO2, CO, CH4, N2O, H2 and SF6. In addition, measurements of the isotopic composition of CO2 (13C/12C and 18O/16O), as well as O2/N2 and Ar/N2are performed by mass spectrometry (MS). Since 2012 also the isotopic composition of methane (13C/12(CH4) and D/H(CH4)) is routinely determined. The flask sampling progamme has three main objectives (i) an independent quality control on in situ measurements at the remote stations; (ii) measurement of additional species, such as isotopic composition as well as gases that are not easy to measure continuously at remote sites; (iii) intercompare the measurement programmes of the different laboratories.