PhD-, Diploma-, Master- and Bachelor theses from the department
PhD-Candidate | PhD-topic |
Andrea Silva Cala | Linking phenology patterns with plant functional traits on a global scale to predict variations in ecosystem functioning |
Chenwei Xiao | Exploring Land Cover Effects on Ecosystem Resistance: Satellite Observations and Estimates from Dynamic Global Vegetation Models |
Aleksei Liipavski | Ecological forecasting of dryland vegetation dynamics in a changing world |
Kristian Schufft | Coupled Soil and Vegetation dynamics under climate change |
Nicholas Eves | Investigating the role of the arctic permafrost microbiome in carbon cycling and greenhouse gas exchange |
Sanjid Backer Kanakkassery | Understanding carbon pooling in the stratified boundary layer of the Arctic atmosphere |
Zishu Tang | Getting to the root of vegetation change: unravelling 21st century plant allocation trade-offs |
Amir Hossein Abdi | Inverse modeling of atmospheric methane, with focus on Africa and Europe using remote sensing measurements |
Jinxuan Chen | Flight campaign-based inversion of regional greenhouse gas fluxes and validation of the CHARM-F active remote sensing instrument |
Lucia Muriel Eder | Effects of elevated CO 2 on soil organic matter turnover and nutrient uptake |
Eldho Elia | Constraining the greenhouse gas budget of the Indian subcontinent |
Tzu-Hsin Ho (David) | Ensemble Simulations of greenhouse gas distributions for remote sensing data assimilation |
Kseniia Ivanova | Role of wetlands on the feedback processes between Arctic permafrost carbon and climate change |
Sandra Raab | Links between hydrology and carbon cycle processes within permafrost ecosystems in Northeast Siberia |
Gabriela Sophia | Next-generation ecosystem models to simulate acclimation of plant nutrient-use strategies to global change |
Anh Dieu Tran | Intergrating bottom-up and top-down methods to estimate the variability of the Siberian carbon balance. |
Natalie Triches | Investigation of the influence of belowground heterogeneity and nutrient availability on the net impact of Arctic disturbance processes |
Hye In Yang | Effects of elevated CO 2 and nutrient avaiability of carbon allocation and soil biogeochemistry in a mesocosm experiment |
Thesis - PhD (11)
Thesis - PhD
Effects of elevated CO2 on soil organic matter turnover and plant nutrient uptake. Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2025)
Thesis - PhD
Development of pre-operational mesoscale inverse modelling system to quantify CO2 sources and sinks over Europe. Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2024)
Thesis - PhD
Assessment and optimization strategies of the pan-Arctic greenhouse gas monitoring networks. Dissertation, University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2024)
Thesis - PhD
Effects of model resolution on Arctic land processes. Dissertation, University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2024)
Thesis - PhD
Greenhouse gas exchange in the Amazon: Carbon dioxide and methane insights from the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory. Dissertation, 180 pp., Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen (2022)
Thesis - PhD
Methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf inferred from accurate observations of atmospheric methane mole fractions. Dissertation, 139 pp., University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Scaling and balancing carbon fluxes in a heterogeneous tundra ecosystem of the Lena River Delta. Dissertation, University of Hamburg, Hamburg (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Atmospheric modeling of airborne GHG observations over Europe using a regional transport model: towards quantitative inversions using multiple species. Dissertation, 107 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Process-based modelling of the methane balance in periglacial landscapes. Dissertation, 209 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Long-term drainage effects on carbon fluxes of an Arctic permafrost ecosystem. Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2017)