Preprint (19)

De, R.; Bao, S.; Koirala, S.; Brenning, A.; Reichstein, M.; Tagesson, T.; Liddell, M.; Ibrom, A.; Wolf, S.; Sigut, L. et al.; Hörtnagl, L.; Woodgate, W.; Korkiakoski, M.; Merbold, L.; Black, T. A.; Roland, M. E.; Klosterhalfen, A.; Blanken, P. D.; Knox, S.; Sabbatini, S.; Gielen, B.; Montagnani, L.; Fensholt, R.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Desai, A. R.; Paul-Limoges, E.; Galvagno, M.; Hammerle, A.; Jocher, G.; Reverter, B. R.; Holl, D.; Chen, J.; Vitale, L.; Arain, M. A.; Carvalhais, N.: Addressing challenges in simulating inter-annual variability of gross primary production. ESS Open Archive (2024)
Botia, S.; Munassar, S.; Koch, F.-T.; Custódio, D.; Basso, L. S.; Komiya, S.; Lavric, J. V.; Walter, D.; Gloor, M.; Martins, G. et al.; Naus, S.; Koren, G.; Luijkx, I.; Hantson, S.; Miller, J. B.; Peters, W.; Rödenbeck, C.; Gerbig, C.: Combined CO2 measurement record indicates decreased Amazon forest carbon uptake, offset by Savannah carbon release. EGUsphere (2024)
Kariyathan, T.; Bastos, A.; Reichstein, M.; Peters, W.; Marshall, J.: How atmospheric CO2 can inform us on annual and decadal shifts in the biospheric carbon uptake period. EGUsphere (2024)
Ivanova, K.; Virkkala, A.-M.; Göckede, M.: Towards improved Arctic wetland classification: a clustering analysis of wetland carbon flux and environmental data. ESS Open Archive (2024)
Reichstein, M.; Benson, V.; Camps-Valls, G.; Boran, H.; Fearnley, C.; Kornhuber, K.; Rahaman, N.; Schöllkopf, B.; Tárraga, J. M.; Vinuesa, R. et al.; Blunk, J.; Dall, K.; Denzler, J.; Frank, D.; Martini, G.; Nganga, N.; Robinson, D. M.: Early warning of complex climate risk with integrated artificial intelligence. Research Square (2024)
Cremer, F.; Linscheid, N.; Mahecha, M. D.; Urbazaev, M.; Truckenbrodt, J.; Uhde, A.; Schmullius, C. C.; Thiel, C.: Influence of flooding underneath the Amazon rainforest on Sentinel-1 backscatter. TechRxiv (2023)
Benson, V.; Requena Mesa, C.; Robin, C.; Alonso, L.; Cortés, J.; Gao, Z.; Linscheid, N.; Weynants, M.; Reichstein, M.: Forecasting localized weather impacts on vegetation as seen from space with meteo-guided video prediction. arXiv (2023)
Saiz, H.; Neuenkamp, L.; Penone, C.; Birkhofer, K.; Bluthgen, N.; Boch, S.; Bonkowski, M.; Buscot, F.; Felipe-Lucia, M.; Fiore-Donno, A.-M. et al.; Fischer, M.; Freitag, M.; Godoy, O.; Goldmann, K.; Gossner, M.; Hamer, U.; Hölzel, N.; Jung, K.; Kandeler, E.; Klaus, V.; Kleinebecker, T.; Leimer, S.; Marhan, S.; Oelmann, Y.; Overmann, J.; Prati, D.; Renner, S.; Rillig, M.; Seibold, S.; Schloter, M.; Schöning, I.; Sikorski, J.; Socher, S.; Solly, E.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Stempfhuber, B.; Westphal, C.; Wilcke, W.; Wubet, T.; Wurst, S.; Allan, E.: Land use intensification results in abrupt transitions between contrasting grassland states. Authorea (2022)
Robin, C.; Requena Mesa, C.; Benson, V.; Alonso, L.; Poehls, J.; Carvalhais, N.; Reichstein, M.: Learning to forecast vegetation greenness at fine resolution over Africa with ConvLSTMs. arXiv (2022)
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