Seminar: Gökben Demir
- Datum: 08.09.2022
- Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:00
- Vortragende(r): Gökben Demir
- Ort: Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
- Raum: Hörsaal (C0.001)
Vegetation intercepts and diverts precipitation into throughfall and stemflow, referred to as below canopy precipitation.
Several studies reported that the spatial variation of
throughfall is temporally stable. These stable patterns can influence
subsurface hydrological processes. However, the role of root water
uptake is unresolved in understanding throughfall patterns' impact on
subsurface hydrological processes.
To determine the role of root water uptake within the
throughfall, soil, and vegetation triangle, we need to identify root
water uptake drivers. In this talk, I will introduce recent findings
about the controlling factors of the spatial distribution of root water
uptake in a mixed forest.
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