Seminar: Felix Cremer
- Datum: 19.01.2023
- Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:00
- Vortragende(r): Felix Cremer
- Reichstein department
- Ort: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
- Raum: Hörsaal
It is widely assumed that C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signal cannot reach the forest floor in tropical forests, and that it cannot be used for flood mapping below dense canopy. Indeed, one cannot distinguish flooded forest and non-flooded forest using only single acquisitions. The question is whether long-term seasonal dynamics in SAR time series data can encode flooding dynamics. We investigate the relationship of Sentinel-1 backscatter with floodings in the Amazon rain forest.We use the Empirical Mode Decomposition to extract annual modes in the backscatter signal and use the correlation to the water level of a nearby river to understand the dynamics of this signal. Clusters of these correlations coincide well with known forest floodings.
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