Seminar: Anne Hoek van Dijke
- Datum: 14.12.2023
- Uhrzeit: 14:30
- Vortragende(r): Anne Hoek van Dijke
- (Orth research group / Reichstein Department)
- Raum: Hörsaal (C0.001)
Linking evaporation and vegetation characteristics
characteristics and terrestrial evaporation are closely linked.
Vegetation impacts evaporation by enhancing the water and energy
availability, and by increasing the aerodynamic conductance. On the
other hand, vegetation can decrease evaporation through stomatal
closure. Changes in vegetation characteristics therefore impact water
fluxes. In my presentation, I will show that changes in vegetation can
have profound impact on water fluxes, and that these impacts can be of
similar magnitude as the expected impacts of climate warming. Knowledge
of the local and remote effects of tree restoration can help to pinpoint
suitable regions for forest restoration, for example to outweigh
negative impacts of climate change on water availability.