Fostering Scientific International Cooperation in the Amazon
- Datum: 24.09.2024
- Uhrzeit: 16:30 - 17:30
- Ort: Embaixada do Brasil em Berlim Wallstraße 57 10179 Berlin
- Gastgeber: Amazon+10 Initiative, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Embassy of Brazil

Panel: How international cooperation can enhance research in the Amazon. At the panel discussion researchers with extensive experience in the region who will talk about the particularities, challenges, and opportunities of conducting research in the Amazon Forest, with the goal of expanding international cooperation projects in research and their role in strengthening the scientific capacity of the region.
Dr. Carlos Sierra from MPI for Biogeochemistry will be a panel member. He leads a group on Theoretical Ecosystem Ecology and also participates in the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO Project), a partnership between MPI for Biogeochemistry and the Amazonian Institute for Research (INPA). His research focuses on the mathematical understanding of the global carbon cycle, particularly on the time-scales of carbon storage and how global change modifies process rates in the terrestrial biosphere.