Seminar: Rachael Akinyede


  • Datum: 19.12.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00
  • Vortragende(r): Rachael Akinyede
  • (Zaehle department)
  • Raum: Hörsaal (C0.001)
The ITMS Project: From Kick-off to Coordination Strategies

The Integrated Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System for Germany (ITMS) is a national initiative to provide independent estimates of GHG fluxes and enhance transparency in emissions reporting toward net-zero goals. Using observational data from infrastructures like ICOS and IAGOS, ITMS employs inverse atmospheric transport modeling (e.g., CarboScope-Regional) and develops tools like ICON-ART for future operational services. This interdisciplinary project unites experts in atmospheric and satellite observations, biosphere research, emissions inventories, and transport modeling.

Currently in its first (Demonstrator) phase, the project is organized into five modules: atmospheric models and methods (ITMS-M), observational datasets (ITMS-B), sources & sinks (ITMS-Q&S), data utilization (ITMS-V), and coordination (ITMS-K). Effective collaboration among all modules is critical to align data streams, address uncertainties, and match time scales. This presentation will highlight the project's progress, key achievements, and the coordination strategies driving its success.

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