Publikationen von Ana Bastos
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Zeitschriftenartikel (115)
4 (e25), S. 1 - 20 (2021)
Ten new insights in climate science 2021: a horizon scan. Global Sustainability 62.
12 (4), S. 1015 - 1035 (2021)
Vulnerability of European ecosystems to two compound dry and hot summers in 2018 and 2019. Earth System Dynamics 63.
13 (19), 4010 (2021)
Vegetation productivity losses linked to mediterranean hot and dry events. Remote Sensing 64.
35 (8), e2021GB007019 (2021)
Past and future climate variability uncertainties in the global carbon budget using the MPI Grand Ensemble. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 65.
27 (16), S. 3798 - 3809 (2021)
Unusual characteristics of the carbon cycle during the 2015−2016 El Nino. Global Change Biology 66.
9 (7), e2021EF002035 (2021)
Disentangling the impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on terrestrial carbon cycle during 1850-2014. Earth's Future 67.
16 (7), 074004 (2021)
A multi-data assessment of land use and land cover emissions from Brazil during 2000-2019. Environmental Research Letters 68.
12 (2), S. 745 - 762 (2021)
Comparison of uncertainties in land-use change fluxes from bookkeeping model parameterisation. Earth System Dynamics 69.
35 (6), e2020GB006893 (2021)
Vapor pressure deficit and sunlight explain seasonality of leaf phenology and photosynthesis across Amazonian evergreen broadleaved forest. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 70.
30 (6), S. 1271 - 1285 (2021)
Variations of carbon allocation and turnover time across tropical forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 71.
16, 15 (2021)
Decadal variability in land carbon sink efficiency. Carbon Balance and Management 72.
12 (2), S. 635 - 670 (2021)
Modelled land use and land cover change emissions – A spatio-temporal comparison of different approaches. Earth System Dynamics 73.
591, S. 532 - 534 (2021)
Effects of rising CO2 levels on carbon sequestration are coordinated above and below ground. Nature 74.
229 (5), S. 2413 - 2445 (2021)
Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2. New Phytologist 75.
12 (2), S. 763 - 782 (2021)
Bookkeeping estimates of the net land-use change flux – a sensitivity study with the CMIP6 land-use dataset. Earth System Dynamics 76.
101 (11), S. E1948 - E1971 (2020)
Consistency of satellite climate data records for Earth system monitoring. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 77.
13 (11), S. 5401 - 5423 (2020)
Modeling the impacts of diffuse light fraction on photosynthesis in ORCHIDEE (v5453) land surface model. Geoscientific Model Development 78.
375 (1810), 20190507 (2020)
Impacts of extreme summers on European ecosystems: a comparative analysis of 2003, 2010 and 2018. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 79.
375 (1810), 20190510 (2020)
Impact of extreme weather conditions on European crop production in 2018. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 80.
375 (1810), 20190747 (2020)
Sensitivity of gross primary productivity to climatic drivers during the summer drought of 2018 in Europe. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences