Publikationen von Susan E. Trumbore
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Zeitschriftenartikel (300)
12 (6), 667 (2021)
Recovery of forest structure following large-scale windthrows in the Northwestern Amazon. Forests 42.
31 (5), S. 1117 - 1135 (2021)
The shadow of the Balbina dam: A synthesis of over 35 years of downstream impacts on floodplain forests in Central Amazonia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 43.
230 (1), S. 139 - 154 (2021)
Starch and lipid storage strategies in tropical trees relate to growth and mortality. New Phytologist 44.
2 (1), e2020AV000296 (2021)
Confronting racism to advance our science. AGU Advances 45.
229 (5), S. 2413 - 2445 (2021)
Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2. New Phytologist 46.
84, 150701 (2021)
Effects of mound building Lasius flavus on organic carbon and nutrient fluxes in soils of temperate grassland ecosystems. Pedobiologia 47.
18 (3), S. 1241 - 1257 (2021)
Age distribution, extractability, and stability of mineral-bound organic carbon in central European soils. Biogeosciences 48.
152, S. 13 - 32 (2021)
How will a drier climate change carbon sequestration in soils of the deciduous forests of Central Europe? Biogeochemistry 49.
26 (12), S. 7268 - 7283 (2020)
COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil‐atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data. Global Change Biology 50.
11, 578204 (2020)
Simultaneous real-time measurement of isoprene and 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol emissions from trees using SIFT-MS. Frontiers in Plant Science 51.
26 (10), S. 5988 - 6002 (2020)
Agricultural acceleration of soil carbonate weathering. Global Change Biology 52.
227 (6 Special Issue: Featured papers on ‘Advances on genomics, biology, ecology and evolution of Brachypodium’), S. 1790 - 1803 (2020)
Flood-pulse disturbances as a threat for long-living Amazonian trees. New Phytologist 53.
150, 107950 (2020)
Rates of dark CO2 fixation are driven by microbial biomass in a temperate forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 54.
125 (8), e2020JG005677 (2020)
Impacts of degradation on water, energy, and carbon cycling of the Amazon tropical forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 55.
13 (7), S. 3507 - 3520 (2020)
SIFT-MS optimization for atmospheric trace gas measurements at varying humidity. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 56.
13, S. 555 - 559 (2020)
The age distribution of global soil carbon inferred from radiocarbon measurements. Nature Geoscience 57.
26 (5), S. 1299 - 1311 (2020)
Probability distributions of nonstructural carbon ages and transit times provide insights into carbon allocation dynamics of mature trees. New Phytologist 58.
40 (7), tpaa040, S. 928 - 942 (2020)
Production of constitutive and induced secondary metabolites is coordinated with growth and storage in Norway spruce saplings. Tree Physiology 59.
25 (4), S. 369 - 380 (2020)
Tropical trees as time capsules of anthropogenic activity. Trends in Plant Science 60.
12 (1), S. 61 - 76 (2020)
An open-source database for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data: International Soil Radiocarbon Database (ISRaD) version 1.0. Earth System Science Data