Publikationen von Viviana Horna
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (36)
8 (8), S. 2179 - 2194 (2011)
Change in hydraulic properties and leaf traits in a tall rainforest tree species subjected to long-term throughfall exclusion in the perhumid tropics. Biogeosciences 22.
68 (5), S. 1027 - 1038 (2011)
Environment and tree size controlling stem sap flux in a perhumid tropical forest of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Annals of Forest Science 23.
24, S. 285 - 296 (2010)
Diverging temperature response of tree stem CO2 release under dry and wet season conditions in a tropical montane moist forest. Trees 24.
162, S. 127 - 137 (2010)
Patterns of wood carbon dioxide efflux across a 2,000-m elevation transect in an Andean moist forest. Oecologia 25.
205 (8), S. 506 - 512 (2010)
Vessel diameter and xylem hydraulic conductivity increase with tree height in tropical rainforest trees in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Flora 26.
6 (11), S. 2677 - 2708 (2009)
Basin-wide variations in foliar properties of Amazonian forest: phylogeny, soils and climate. Biogeosciences 27.
258, S. 1904 - 1912 (2009)
Below- and above-ground biomass and net primary production in a paleotropical natural forest (Sulawesi, Indonesia) as compared to neotropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management 28.
66, 101 (2009)
Leaf water status and stem xylem flux in relation to soil drought in five temperate broad-leaved tree species with contrasting water use strategies. Annals of Forest Science 29.
6 (4), S. 545 - 568 (2009)
Branch xylem density variations across the Amazon Basin. Biogeosciences 30.
72 (1), S. 38 - 46 (2008)
Wald mit zwei Gesichtern: Pazifischer Trockenwald in Nordwest-Peru. Der Palmengarten 31.
28 (12), S. 1821 - 1830 (2008)
Variability in radial sap flux density patterns and sapwood area among seven co-occurring temperate broad-leaved tree species. Tree Physiology 32.
28 (1), S. 67 - 74 (2008)
Elevational change in woody tissue CO2 efflux in a tropical mountain rain forest in southern Ecuador. Tree Physiology 33.
24 (11), S. 1193 - 1201 (2004)
Laser ablation-combustion-GC-IRMS - a new method for online analysis of intra-annual variation of δ 13C in tree rings. Tree Physiology 34.
18, S. 581 - 597 (2002)
Phenology and stem-growth periodicity of tree species in Amazonian floodplain forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology 35.
4 (1), S. 65 - 72 (2002)
Feeding Ecology of the Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) in Manu National Park, Peru. Lyonia: A Journal of Ecology and Application 36.
13 (2), S. 257 - 277 (1997)
Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology Buchkapitel (1)
221, S. 117 - 139 (Hg. Bendix, J.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Makeschin, F.; Mosandl, R. et al.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2013)
The carbon balance of tropical mountain forests along an altitudinal transect. In: Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador, Ecological Studies, Bd.