
Publikationen von C. Gerbig

Zeitschriftenartikel (156)

Trusilova, K.; Rödenbeck, C.; Gerbig, C.; Heimann, M.: Technical Note: A new coupled system for global-to-regional downscaling of CO2 concentration estimation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (7), S. 3205 - 3213 (2010)
Van Der Laan-Luijkx, I. T.; Karstens, U.; Steinbach, J.; Gerbig, C.; Sirignano, C.; Neubert, R. E. M.; Van Der Laan, S.; Meijer, H. A. J.: CO2, δO2/N2 and APO: observations from the Lutjewad, Mace Head and F3 platform flask sampling network. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (21), S. 10691 - 10704 (2010)
Warneke, T.; Petersen, A. K.; Gerbig, C.; Jordan, A.; Rödenbeck, C.; Rothe, M.; Macatangay, R.; Notholt, J.; Schrems, O.: Co-located column and in situ measurements of CO2 in the tropics compared with model simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (12), S. 5593 - 5599 (2010)
Winderlich, J.; Chen, H.; Gerbig, C.; Seifert, T.; Kolle, O.; Lavrič, J. V.; Kaiser, C.; Hofer, A.; Heimann, M.: Continuous low-maintenance CO2/CH4/H2O measurements at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3 (4), S. 1113 - 1128 (2010)
Wunch, D.; Toon, G. C.; Wennberg, P. O.; Wofsy, S. C.; Stephens, B. B.; Fischer, M. L.; Uchino, O.; Abshire, J. B.; Bernath, P.; Biraud, S. C. et al.; Blavier, J. F. L.; Boone, C.; Bowman, K. P.; Browell, E. V.; Campos, T.; Connor, B. J.; Daube, B. C.; Deutscher, N. M.; Diao, M.; Elkins, J. W.; Gerbig, C.; Gottlieb, E.; Griffith, D. W. T.; Hurst, D. F.; Jimenez, R.; Keppel-Aleks, G.; Kort, E. A.; Macatangay, R.; Machida, T.; Matsueda, H.; Moore, F.; Morino, I.; Park, S.; Robinson, J.; Roehl, C. M.; Sawa, Y.; Sherlock, V.; Sweeney, C.; Tanaka, T.; Zondlo, M. A.: Calibration of the total carbon column observing network using aircraft profile data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3 (5), S. 1351 - 1362 (2010)
Ahmadov, R.; Gerbig, C.; Kretschmer, R.; Körner, S.; Rödenbeck, C.; Bousquet, P.; Ramonet, M.: Comparing high resolution WRF-VPRM simulations and two global CO2 transport models with coastal tower measurements of CO2. Biogeosciences 6 (5), S. 807 - 817 (2009)
Dolman, A. J.; Gerbig, C.; Noilhan, J.; Sarrat, C.; Miglietta, F.: Detecting regional variability in sources and sinks of carbon dioxide: a synthesis. Biogeosciences 6 (6), S. 1015 - 1026 (2009)
Gerbig, C.; Dolman, A. J.; Heimann, M.: On observational and modelling strategies targeted at regional carbon exchange over continents. Biogeosciences 6 (10), S. 1949 - 1959 (2009)
Lauvaux, T.; Gioli, B.; Sarrat, C.; Rayner, P. J.; Ciais, P.; Chevallier, F.; Noilhan, J.; Miglietta, F.; Brunet, Y.; Ceschia, E. et al.; Dolman, H.; Elbers, J. A.; Gerbig, C.; Hutjes, R.; Jarosz, N.; Legain, D.; Uliasz, M.: Bridging the gap between atmospheric concentrations and local ecosystem measurements. Geophysical Research Letters 36, S. L19809 (2009)
Rascher, U.; Agati, G.; Alonso, L.; Cecchi, G.; Champagne, S.; Colombo, R.; Damm, A.; Daumard, F.; De Miguel, E.; Fernandez, G. et al.; Franch, B.; Franke, J.; Gerbig, C.; Gioli, B.; Gomez, J. A.; Goulas, Y.; Guanter, L.; Gutierrez-De-La-Camara, O.; Hamdi, K.; Hostert, P.; Jimenez, M.; Kosvancova, M.; Lognoli, D.; Meroni, M.; Miglietta, F.; et al.: CEFLES2: the remote sensing component to quantify photosynthetic efficiency from the leaf to the region by measuring sun-induced fluorescence in the oxygen absorption bands. Biogeosciences 6 (7), S. 1181 - 1198 (2009)
Rödenbeck, C.; Gerbig, C.; Trusilova, K.; Heimann, M.: A two-step scheme for high-resolution regional atmospheric trace gas inversions based on independent models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (14), S. 5331 - 5342 (2009)
Sarrat, C.; Noilhan, J.; Lacarrere, P.; Ceschia, E.; Ciais, P.; Dolman, A. J.; Elbers, J. A.; Gerbig, C.; Gioli, B.; Lauvaux, T. et al.; Miglietta, F.; Neininger, B.; Ramonet, M.; Vellinga, O.; Bonnefond, J. M.: Mesoscale modelling of the CO2 interactions between the surface and the atmosphere applied to the April 2007 CERES field experiment. Biogeosciences 6 (4), S. 633 - 646 (2009)
Sarrat, C.; Noilhan, J.; Lacarrère, P.; Masson, V.; Ceschia, E.; Ciais, P.; Dolman, A.; Elbers, J.; Gerbig, C.; Jarosz, N.: CO2 budgeting at the regional scale using a Lagrangian experimental strategy and meso-scale modeling. Biogeosciences 6 (1), S. 113 - 127 (2009)
Gerbig, C.; Körner, S.; Lin, J. C.: Vertical mixing in atmospheric tracer transport models: error characterization and propagation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (3), S. 591 - 602 (2008)
Kort, E. A.; Eluszkiewicz, J.; Stephens, B. B.; Miller, J. B.; Gerbig, C.; Nehrkorn, T.; Daube, B. C.; Kaplan, J. O.; Houweling, S.; Wofsy, S. C.: Emissions of CH4 and N2O over the United States and Canada based on a receptor-oriented modeling framework and COBRA-NA atmospheric observations. Geophysical Research Letters 35 (18), S. 18808 (2008)
Macatangay, R.; Warneke, T.; Gerbig, C.; Körner, S.; Ahmadov, R.; Heimann, M.; Notholt, J.: A framework for comparing remotely sensed and in-situ CO2 concentrations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (9), S. 2555 - 2568 (2008)
Mahadevan, P.; Wofsy, S. C.; Matross, D. M.; Xiao, X. M.; Dunn, A. L.; Lin, J. C.; Gerbig, C.; Munger, J. W.; Chow, V. Y.; Gottlieb, E. W.: A satellite-based biosphere parameterization for net ecosystem CO2 exchange: Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM). Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (2), S. B2005 (2008)
Miller, S. M.; Matross, D. M.; Andrews, A. E.; Millet, D. B.; Longo, M.; Gottlieb, E. W.; Hirsch, A. I.; Gerbig, C.; Lin, J. C.; Daube, B. C. et al.; Hudman, R. C.; Dias, P. L. S.; Chow, V. Y.; Wofsy, S. C.: Sources of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde in North America determined from high-resolution atmospheric data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (24), S. 7673 - 7696 (2008)
Ahmadov, R.; Gerbig, C.; Kretschmer, R.; Körner, S.; Neininger, B.; Dolman, A. J.; Sarrat, C.: Mesoscale covariance of transport and CO2 fluxes: Evidence from observations and simulations using the WRF-VPRM coupled atmosphere-biosphere model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (22), S. D22107 (2007)
Emmons, L. K.; Pfister, G. G.; Edwards, D. P.; Gille, J. C.; Sachse, G.; Blake, D.; Wofsy, S.; Gerbig, C.; Matross, D.; Nedelec, P.: Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) validation exercises during summer 2004 field campaigns over North America. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (12), D12S02 (2007)
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