MPI Biogeochemie von oben

Publikationen von Maik Renner

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Carmona, A. M.; Renner, M.; Kleidon, A.; Poveda, G.: Uncertainty of runoff sensitivity to climate change in the Amazon River basin. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1504 (1), S. 76 - 94 (2021)
Renner, M.; Kleidon, A.; Clark, M.; Nijssen, B.; Heidkamp, M.; Best, M.; Abramowitz, G.: How well can land-surface models represent the diurnal cycle of turbulent heat fluxes? Journal of Hydrometeorology 22 (1), S. 77 - 94 (2021)
Turnbull, T.; Renner, M.; Panwar, A.; Katsikis, N.; Kleidon, A.; Schindler, A.: Quantifying available energy and anthropogenic energy use in the Mississippi river basin. The Anthropocene Review 8 (3), S. 280 - 303 (2021)
Panwar, A.; Renner, M.; Kleidon, A.: Imprints of evaporative conditions and vegetation type in diurnal temperature variations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (10), S. 4923 - 4942 (2020)
Du, M.; Kleidon, A.; Sun, F.; Renner, M.; Liu, W.: Stronger global warming on nonrainy days in observations from China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 (10), e2019JD031792 (2020)
Renner, M.; Wild, M.; Schwarz, M.; Kleidon, A.: Estimating shortwave clear-sky fluxes from hourly global radiation records by Quantile Regression. Earth Planets Space 6 (8), S. 1532 - 1546 (2019)
Blöschl, G.; Bierkens, M. F. P.; Chambel, A.; Cudennec, C.; Destouni, G.; Fiori, A.; Kirchner, J. W.; McDonnell, J. J.; Savenije, H. H. G.; Sivapalan, M. et al.; Stumpp, C.; Toth, E.; Volpi, E.; Carr, G.; Lupton, C.; Salinas, J.; Széles, B.; Viglione, A.; Aksoy, H.; Allen, S. T.; Amin, A.; Andréassian, V.; Arheimer, B.; Aryal, S.; Baker, V.; Bardsley, E.; Barendrecht, M. H.; Bartosova, A.; Batelaan, O.; Berghuijs, W. R.; Beven, K.; Blume, T.; Bogaard, T.; de Amorim, P. B.; Böttcher, M. E.; Boulet, G.; Breinl, K.; Brilly, M.; Brocca, L.; Buytaert, W.; Castellarin, A.; Castelletti, A.; Chen, X.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Chifflard, P.; Claps, P.; Clark, M.; Collins, A.; Croke, B.; Dathe, A.; David, P. C.; de Barros, F. P. J.; de Rooij, G.; Baldassarre, G. D.; Driscoll, J. M.; Düthmann, D.; Dwivedi, R.; Eris, E.; Farmer, W. H.; Feiccabrino, J.; Ferguson, G.; Ferrari, E.; Ferraris, S.; Fersch, B.; Finger, D.; Foglia, L.; Fowler, K.; Gartsman, B.; Gascoin, S.; Gaume, E.; Gelfan, A.; Geris, J.; Gharari, S.; Gleeson, T.; Glendell, M.; Bevacqua, A. G.; González-Dugo, M. P.; Grimaldi, S.; Gupta, A. B.; Guse, B.; Han, D.; Hannah, D.; Harpold, A.; Haun, S.; Heal, K.; Helfricht, K.; Herrnegger, M.; Hipsey, M.; Hlaváčiková, H.; Hohmann, C.; Holko, L.; Hopkinson, C.; Hrachowitz, M.; Illangasekare, T. H.; Inam, A.; Innocente, C.; Istanbulluoglu, E.; Jarihani, B.; Kalantari, Z.; Kalvans, A.; Khanal, S.; Khatami, S.; Kiesel, J.; Kirkby, M.; Knoben, W.; Kochanek, K.; Kohnova, S.; Kolechkina, A.; Krause, S.; Kreamer, D.; Kreibich, H.; Kunstmann, H.; Lange, H.; Liberato, M. L. R.; Lindquist, E.; Link, T.; Liu, J.; Loucks, D. P.; Luce, C.; Mahé, G.; Makarieva, O.; Malard, J.; Mashtayeva, S.; Maskey, S.; Mas-Pla, J.; Mavrova-Guirguinova, M.; Mazzoleni, M.; Mernild, S.; Misstear, B. D.; Montanari, A.; Müller-Thomy, H.; Nabizadeh, A.; Nardi, F.; Neal, C.; Nesterova, N.; Nurtaev, B.; Odongo, V.; Panda, S.; Pande, S.; Pang, Z.; Papacharalampous, G.; Perrin, C.; Pfister, L.; Pimentel, R.; Polo, M. J.; Post, D.; Sierra, C. P.; Ramos, M.-H.; Renner, M.; Reynolds, J. E.; Ridolfi, E.; Rigon, R.; Riva, M.; Robertson, D.; Rosso, R.; Roy, T.; Sá, J. H.M.; Salvadori, G.; Sandells, M.; Schaefli, B.; Schumann, A.; Scolobig, A.; Seibert, J.; Servat, E.; Shafiei, M.; Sharma, A.; Sidibe, M.; Sidle, R. C.; Skaugen, T.; Smith, H.; Spiessl, S. M.; Stein, L.; Steinsland, I.; Strasser, U.; Su, B.; Szolgay, J.; Tarboton, D.; Tauro, F.; Thirel, G.; Tian, F.; Tong, R.; Tussupova, K.; Tyralis, H.; Uijlenhoet, R.; van Beek, R.; van der Ent, R. J.; van der Ploeg, M.; Loon, A. F. V.; van Meerveld, I.; van Nooijen, R.; Oel, P. R. V.; Vidal, J.-P.; von Freyberg, J.; Vorogushyn, S.; Wachniew, P.; Wade, A.; Ward, P.; Westerberg, I.; White, C.; Wood, E. F.; Woods, R.; Xu, Z.; Yilmaz, K. K.; Zhang, Y.: Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective. Hydrological Sciences Journal 64 (10), S. 1141 - 1158 (2019)
Conte, L.; Renner, M.; Brando, P.; Santos, C. O. d.; Silvério, D.; Kolle, O.; Trumbore, S. E.; Kleidon, A.: Effects of tropical deforestation on surface energy balance partitioning in southeastern Amazonia estimated from maximum convective power. Geophysical Research Letters 46 (8), S. 4396 - 4403 (2019)
Renner, M.; Brenner, C.; Mallick, K.; Wizemann, H.-D.; Conte, L.; Trebs, I.; Wei, J.; Wulfmeyer, V.; Schulz, K.; Kleidon, A.: Using phase lags to evaluate model biases in simulating the diurnal cycle of evapotranspiration. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (1), S. 515 - 535 (2019)
Panwar, A.; Kleidon, A.; Renner, M.: Do surface and air temperatures contain similar imprints of evaporative conditions? Geophysical Research Letters 46 (7), S. 3802 - 3809 (2019)
Kleidon, A.; Renner, M.: Diurnal land surface energy balance partitioning estimated from the thermodynamic limit of a cold heat engine. Earth System Dynamics 9 (3), S. 1127 - 1140 (2018)
Kleidon, A.; Renner, M.: An explanation for the different climate sensitivities of land and ocean surfaces based on the diurnal cycle. Earth System Dynamics 8 (3), S. 849 - 864 (2017)
Dhara, C.; Renner, M.; Kleidon, A.: Broad climatological variation of surface energy balance partitioning across land and ocean predicted from the maximum power limit. Geophysical Research Letters 43 (14), S. 7686 - 7693 (2016)
Renner, M.; Hassler, S. K.; Blume, T.; Weiler, M.; Hildebrandt, A.; Guderle, M.; Schymanski, S. J.; Kleidon, A.: Dominant controls of transpiration along a hillslope transect inferred from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (5), S. 2063 - 2083 (2016)
Kleidon, A.; Kravitz, B.; Renner, M.: The hydrological sensitivity to global warming and solar geoengineering derived from thermodynamic constraints. Geophysical Research Letters 42 (1), S. 138 - 144 (2015)
Kleidon, A.; Renner, M.: Geoengineering ist keine Lösung -- Der globale Wasserkreislauf im Klimasystem. Physik in unserer Zeit 46 (1), S. 27 - 31 (2015)
Kormann, C.; Francke, T.; Renner, M.; Bronstert, A.: Attribution of high resolution streamflow trends in Western Austria – an approach based on climate and discharge station data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (3), S. 1225 - 1245 (2015)
Renner, M.; Brust, K.; Schwärzel, K.; Volk, M.; Bernhofer, C.: Separating the effects of changes in land cover and climate: a hydro-meteorological analysis of the past 60 yr in Saxony, Germany. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18, S. 389 - 405 (2014)
Kleidon, A.; Renner, M.; Porada, P.: Estimates of the climatological land surface energy and water balance derived from maximum convective power. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18, S. 2201 - 2218 (2014)
Kleidon, A.; Renner, M.: A simple explanation for the sensitivity of the hydrologic cycle to surface temperature and solar radiation and its implications for global climate change. Earth System Dynamics 4, S. 455 - 465 (2013)
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