Publikationen von Maik Renner
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Zeitschriftenartikel (22)
1504 (1), S. 76 - 94 (2021)
Uncertainty of runoff sensitivity to climate change in the Amazon River basin. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2.
22 (1), S. 77 - 94 (2021)
How well can land-surface models represent the diurnal cycle of turbulent heat fluxes? Journal of Hydrometeorology 3.
8 (3), S. 280 - 303 (2021)
Quantifying available energy and anthropogenic energy use in the Mississippi river basin. The Anthropocene Review 4.
24 (10), S. 4923 - 4942 (2020)
Imprints of evaporative conditions and vegetation type in diurnal temperature variations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 5.
125 (10), e2019JD031792 (2020)
Stronger global warming on nonrainy days in observations from China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 6.
6 (8), S. 1532 - 1546 (2019)
Estimating shortwave clear-sky fluxes from hourly global radiation records by Quantile Regression. Earth Planets Space 7.
64 (10), S. 1141 - 1158 (2019)
Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective. Hydrological Sciences Journal 8.
46 (8), S. 4396 - 4403 (2019)
Effects of tropical deforestation on surface energy balance partitioning in southeastern Amazonia estimated from maximum convective power. Geophysical Research Letters 9.
23 (1), S. 515 - 535 (2019)
Using phase lags to evaluate model biases in simulating the diurnal cycle of evapotranspiration. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 10.
46 (7), S. 3802 - 3809 (2019)
Do surface and air temperatures contain similar imprints of evaporative conditions? Geophysical Research Letters 11.
9 (3), S. 1127 - 1140 (2018)
Diurnal land surface energy balance partitioning estimated from the thermodynamic limit of a cold heat engine. Earth System Dynamics 12.
8 (3), S. 849 - 864 (2017)
An explanation for the different climate sensitivities of land and ocean surfaces based on the diurnal cycle. Earth System Dynamics 13.
43 (14), S. 7686 - 7693 (2016)
Broad climatological variation of surface energy balance partitioning across land and ocean predicted from the maximum power limit. Geophysical Research Letters 14.
20 (5), S. 2063 - 2083 (2016)
Dominant controls of transpiration along a hillslope transect inferred from ecohydrological measurements and thermodynamic limits. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15.
42 (1), S. 138 - 144 (2015)
The hydrological sensitivity to global warming and solar geoengineering derived from thermodynamic constraints. Geophysical Research Letters 16.
46 (1), S. 27 - 31 (2015)
Geoengineering ist keine Lösung -- Der globale Wasserkreislauf im Klimasystem. Physik in unserer Zeit 17.
19 (3), S. 1225 - 1245 (2015)
Attribution of high resolution streamflow trends in Western Austria – an approach based on climate and discharge station data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18.
18, S. 389 - 405 (2014)
Separating the effects of changes in land cover and climate: a hydro-meteorological analysis of the past 60 yr in Saxony, Germany. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19.
18, S. 2201 - 2218 (2014)
Estimates of the climatological land surface energy and water balance derived from maximum convective power. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20.
4, S. 455 - 465 (2013)
A simple explanation for the sensitivity of the hydrologic cycle to surface temperature and solar radiation and its implications for global climate change. Earth System Dynamics