Publications of J. David Urquiza-Muñoz
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
5 (6), e2023AV001030 (2024)
Increased occurrence of large-scale windthrows across the Amazon Basin. AGU Advances 2.
Journal Article
: Effects of water table fluctuation on greenhouse gas emissions from wetland soils in the Peruvian Amazon. Wetlands: Journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists 43, 62 (2023)
Journal Article
18 (1), 014030 (2023)
Windthrow characteristics and their regional association with rainfall, soil, and surface elevation in the Amazon. Environmental Research Letters 4.
Journal Article
: Coupled abiotic-biotic cycling of nitrous oxide in tropical peatlands. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, pp. 1881 - 1890 (2022)
Journal Article
12, 659079 (2021)
Microbial communities and interactions of nitrogen oxides with methanogenesis in diverse peatlands of the Amazon basin. Frontiers in Microbiology 6.
Journal Article
: Recovery of forest structure following large-scale windthrows in the Northwestern Amazon. Forests 12 (6), 667 (2021)
Journal Article
16 (23), pp. 4601 - 4612 (2019)
Effects of sterilization techniques on chemodenitrification and NO2 production in tropical peat soil microcosms. Biogeosciences