Department Biogeochemical Signals

Publications of R. A. Werner

Journal Article (22)

Journal Article
Knohl, A.; Werner, R. A.; Brand, W. A.; Buchmann, N.: Short-term variations in δ13C of ecosystem respiration reveals link between assimilation and respiration in a deciduous forest. Oecologia 142 (1), pp. 70 - 82 (2005)
Journal Article
Bol, R.; Ostle, N. J.; Chenu, C. C.; Petzke, K.-J.; Werner, R. A.; Balesdent, J.: Long term changes in the distribution and δ 15N values of individual soil amino acids in the absence of plant and fertiliser inputs. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 40 (4), pp. 243 - 256 (2004)
Journal Article
Gehre, M.; Geilmann, H.; Richter, J.; Werner, R. A.; Brand, W. A.: Continuous flow 2H/2H and 18O/16O analysis of water samples with dual inlet precision. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 18 (22), pp. 2650 - 2660 (2004)
Journal Article
Hobbie, E. A.; Werner, R. A.: Intramolecular, compound-specific, and bulk carbon isotope patterns in C3 and C4 plants: a review and synthesis. New Phytologist 161 (2), pp. 371 - 385 (2004)
Journal Article
Knohl, A.; Werner, R. A.; Geilmann, H.; Brand, W. A.: Kel-F(TM) discs improve storage time of canopy air samples in 10-mL vials for CO213C analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 18 (14), pp. 1663 - 1665 (2004)
Journal Article
Starck, J. M.; Moser, P.; Werner, R. A.; Linke, P.: Pythons metabolize prey to fuel the response to feeding. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 271 (1542), pp. 903 - 908 (2004)
Journal Article
Brooks, P. D.; Geilmann, H.; Werner, R. A.; Brand, W. A.: Improved precision of coupled δ13C and δ15N measurements from single samples using an elemental analyzer/isotope ratio mass spectrometer combination with a post-column sixport valve and selective CO2 trapping; improved halide robustness of the combustion reactor using CeO2. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17 (16), pp. 1924 - 1926 (2003)
Journal Article
Dörr, M.; Käßbohrer, J.; Grunert, R.; Kreisel, G.; Brand, W. A.; Werner, R. A.; Geilmann, H.; Apfel, C.; Robl, C.; Weigand, W.: A possible prebiotic formation of ammonia from dinitrogen on iron sulfide surfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 42 (13), pp. 1540 - 1543 (2003)
Journal Article
Schmidt, H.-L.; Werner, R. A.; Eisenreich, W.: Systematics of 2H patterns in natural compounds and its importance for the elucidation of biosynthetic pathways. Phytochemistry Reviews 2 (1-2), pp. 61 - 85 (2003)
Journal Article
Werner, R. A.: The online 18O/16O analysis: Development and application. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 39 (2), pp. 85 - 104 (2003)
Journal Article
Czimczik, C. I.; Preston, C. M.; Schmidt, M. W. I.; Werner, R. A.; Schulze, E.-D.: Effects of charring on mass, organic carbon, and stable carbon isotope composition of wood. Organic Geochemistry 33 (11), pp. 1207 - 1223 (2002)
Journal Article
Fronza, G.; Fuganti, C.; Schmidt, H.-L.; Werner, R. A.: The δ18O-value of the p-OH group of L-tyrosine permits the assignment of its origin to plant or animal sources. European Food Research and Technology 215 (1), pp. 55 - 58 (2002)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J.; Langenfelds, R. L.; Francey, R. J.; Gloor, M.; Tchebakova, N. M.; Zolotoukhine, D.; Brand, W. A.; Werner, R. A.; Jordan, A.; Allison, C. A. et al.; Zrazhewske, V.; Shibistova, O.; Schulze, E.-D.: A trace-gas climatology above Zotino, central Siberia. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), pp. 749 - 767 (2002)
Journal Article
Styles, J. M.; Raupach, M. R.; Farquhar, G. D.; Kolle, O.; Lawton, K. A.; Brand, W. A.; Werner, R. A.; Jordan, A.; Schulze, E.-D.; Shibistova, O. et al.; Lloyd, J.: Soil and canopy CO2, 13CO2, H2O and sensible heat flux partitions in a forest canopy inferred from concentration measurements. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), pp. 655 - 676 (2002)
Journal Article
Werner, R. A.; Schmidt, H.-L.: The in vivo nitrogen isotope discrimination among organic plant compounds. Phytochemistry 61 (5), pp. 465 - 484 (2002)
Journal Article
Schmidt, H.-L.; Werner, R. A.; Roßmann, A.: 18O pattern and biosynthesis of natural plant products. Phytochemistry 58 (1), pp. 9 - 32 (2001)
Journal Article
Werner, R. A.; Braeunlich, S.; Brand, W. A.: On-line determination of δ 18O in silicates, carbonates and other inorganic substances: First results. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 221, pp. 98 - GEOC (2001)
Journal Article
Werner, R. A.; Brand, W. A.: Referencing strategies and techniques in stable isotope ratio analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 15 (7), pp. 501 - 519 (2001)
Journal Article
Werner, R. A.; Rothe, M.; Brand, W. A.: Extraction of CO2 from air samples for isotopic analysis and limits to ultra high precision δ18O determination in CO2 gas. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 15, pp. 2152 - 2167 (2001)
Journal Article
Kornexl, B. E.; Gehre, M.; Höfling, R.; Werner, R. A.: On-line δ 18O measurement of organic and inorganic substances. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 13 (16), pp. 1685 - 1693 (1999)
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