Department Biogeochemical Signals

Publications of Karel Castro-Morales

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Castro-Morales, K.; Schürmann, G.; Köstler, C.; Rödenbeck, C.; Heimann, M.; Zaehle, S.: Three decades of simulated global terrestrial carbon fluxes from a data assimilation system confronted with different periods of observations. Biogeosciences 16 (15), pp. 3009 - 3032 (2019)
Journal Article
Castro-Morales, K.; Kleinen, T.; Kaiser, S.; Zaehle, S.; Kittler, F.; Kwon, M. J.; Beer, C.; Göckede, M.: Year-round simulated methane emissions from a permafrost ecosystem in Northeast Siberia. Biogeosciences 15 (9), pp. 2691 - 2722 (2018)
Journal Article
Castro-Morales, K.; Ricker, R.; Gerdes, R.: Regional distribution and variability of model-simulated Arctic snow on sea ice. Polar Science 13, pp. 43 - 49 (2017)
Journal Article
Kaiser, S.; Göckede, M.; Castro-Morales, K.; Knoblauch, C.; Ekici, A.; Kleinen, T.; Zubrzycki, S.; Sachs, T.; Wille, C.; Beer, C.: Process-based modelling of the methane balance in periglacial landscapes (JSBACH-methane). Geoscientific Model Development 10 (1), pp. 333 - 358 (2017)
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