Department Biogeochemical Signals

Publications of De Shorn Bramble

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Bramble, D. S.; Ulrich, S.; Schöning, I.; Mikutta, R.; Brandt, L.; Poll, C.; Kandeler, E.; Mikutta, C.; Konrad, A.; Siemens, J. et al.; Yang, Y.; Polle, A.; Schall, P.; Ammer, C.; Kaiser, K.; Schrumpf, M.: Formation of mineral-associated organic matter in temperate soils is primarily controlled by mineral type and modified by land use and management intensity. Global Change Biology 30 (1), e17024 (2024)
Journal Article
Wuddivira, M. N.; Bramble, D. S.; Ramlochan, A.; Gouveia, G. A.; Francis, R. C.; De Caires, S. A.: Effects of sample mass and suspension salinity on particle size distribution in predominantly medium to heavy textured soils using the hydrometer method. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 186 (5), pp. 580 - 589 (2023)
Journal Article
Brandt, L.; Stache, F.; Poll, C.; Bramble, D. S.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Ulrich, S.; Kaiser, K.; Mikutta, R.; Mikutta, C.: Mineral type and land-use intensity control composition and functions of microorganisms colonizing pristine minerals in grassland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 182, 109037 (2023)
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