Publications of R. Zimmermann
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
25 (5), pp. 545 - 556 (2005)
Influences of environmental factors on the radial profile of sap flux density in Fagus crenata growing at different elevations in the Naeba Mountains, Japan. Tree Physiology 2.
Journal Article
62 (4), pp. 289 - 296 (2005)
Influence of environmental conditions on radial patterns of sap flux density of a 70-year Fagus crenata trees in the Naeba Mountains, Japan. Annals of Forest Science 3.
Journal Article
41 (7), pp. 1709 - 1711 (2003)
Systematic data acquisitions - A prerequisite for meaningful biophysical parameter retrieval? IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 4.
Journal Article
130 (3), pp. 329 - 336 (2002)
Soil drought increases leaf and whole-plant water use of Prunus dulcis grown in the Negev Desert. Oecologia 5.
Journal Article
40 (9), pp. 2063 - 2082 (2002)
Diurnal and spatial variation of xylem dielectric constant in Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) as related to microclimate, xylem sap flow, and xylem chemistry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 6.
Journal Article
78, pp. 269 - 283 (2000)
Landschaftsbezogene Erfassung des Wasserverbrauches bewirtschafteter Waldbestände - Planungsgrundlage für Nutzungskonzepte und Folgeabschätzung bei der Umwandlung in naturnahe Wälder. Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 7.
Journal Article
6 (1), pp. 25 - 37 (2000)
Canopy transpiration in a chronosequence of Central Siberian pine forests. Global Change Biology Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
172, pp. 279 - 289 (Ed. Matzner, E.). Springer, Berlin (2004)
The role of woody roots in water uptake of Mature Spruce, Beech, and Oak Trees. In: Biogeochemistry of Forested Catchments in a Changing Environment: an German Case Study, Vol. 9.
Book Chapter
147, pp. 377 - 416 (Eds. Lenz, R.; Hantschel, R.). Springer, Heidelberg (2000)
Controls on evapotranspiration in a spruce forest catchment of the Fichtelgebirge. In: Ecosystem approaches to landscape management in Central Europe, Vol.