Publikationen von Ernst Detlef Schulze
Alle Typen
Buchkapitel (147)
77, S. 392 - 417 (Hg. Schulze, E.-D.; Lange, O. L.; Oren, R.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1989)
Nutrient relations of trees in healthy and declining Norway spruce stands. In: Forest Decline and Air Pollution, Ecological Studies, Bd. 762.
77, S. 460 - 468 (Hg. Schulze, E.-D.; Lange, O. L.; Oren, R.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1989)
Processes leading to forest decline: A synthesis. In: Forest Decline and Air Pollution: Ecological Studies, Bd. 763.
77, S. 1 - 7 (Hg. Schulze, E.-D.; Lange, O. L.; Oren, R.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1989)
Introduction: The problem of forest decline and the Bavarian Forest Toxicology Research Group. In: Forest Decline and Air Pollution: Ecological Studies, Bd. 764.
Tree responses to acid depositions into the soil. A summary of the cost workshop at Jülich. In: Air Pollution and Ecosystems, S. 225 - 241 (Hg. Mathy, P.). Springer, Dordrecht (1988)
Adaptation mechanisms of noncultivated arid-zone plants: useful lessons for agriculture? In: Drought research priorities for the dryland tropics (Hg. Bidinger, F. R.; Johansen, C.). ICRISAT (Int. Crops Res. Inst. for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru AP. 502 324, India (1988)
61, S. 120 - 148 (Hg. Schulze, E.-D.; Zwölfer, H.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1987)
Plant specialization to environments of different resource availability. In: Potentials and Limitations of Ecosystem Analysis, Ecological Studies (Analysis and Synthesis), Bd. 767.
Stomatal responses to air humidity and to soil drought. In: Stomatal function, S. 311 - 321 (Hg. Zeiger, E.; Farquhar, G. D.; Cowan, I. R.). Stanford University Press, Stanford (1987)
61, S. 416 - 423 (Hg. Schulze, E.-D.; Zwölfer, H.) (1987)
Synthesis. In: Potentials and Limitations of Ecosystem Analysis. Ecological Studies, Bd. 769.
The roles of carbon balance and branching pattern in the growth of woody species. In: On the Economy of Plant Form and Function: Proceedings of the Sixth Maria Moors Cabot Symposium, S. 585 - 602 (Hg. Givnish, T. J.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1986)
270, S. 193 - 196 (Hg. Turner, H.; Tranquillini, W.). Eidg. Anst. Forstl. Versuchswesen (1985)
Responses of Pinus silvestris to magnesium deficiency. In: Establishment and tending of subalpine forests: Research and Management, Bd. 771.
Effects of atmospheric and soil drought on leaf water status and stomatal response. In: Membrane Transport in Plants, S. 135 - 140 (Hg. Cram, W. J.; Janacek, K.; Rybova, R.; Sigler, K.). Academia Publishing House of the CSSR Academy of Science, Praha (1984)
12B, S. 615 - 676 (Hg. Lange, O. L.; Nobel, P. S.; Osmond, C. B.; Ziegler, H.) (1982)
Plant life forms and their carbon, water and nutrient relations. In: Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology. Physiological Plant Ecology II. Vol. 12B. Water relations and photosynthetic productivity, Bd. 773.
12B, S. 181 - 230 (Hg. Lange, O. L.; Nobel, P. S.; Osmond, C. B.; Ziegler, H.). Springer, Berlin (1982)
Stomatal responses, water loss and CO2 assimilation rates of plants in contrasting environments. In: Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology. Physiological Plant Ecology II. Water relations and photosynthetic productivity, Bd. 774.
142, 1 Aufl., S. 105 - 123 (1981)
Carbon gain and wood production in trees of deciduous beech (Fagus silvatica) and trees of evergreen spruce (Picea excelsa). In: Mitteilungen der forstlichen Bundes-Versuchsanstalt Wien, Bd. 775.
Short-term and long-term effects of drought on steady-state and time-integrated plant processes: transpiration, carbon dioxide assimilation, biomass production and seed yield. In: Physiological processes limiting plant productivity, S. 217 - 235 (Hg. Johnson, C.). Butterworth, Brorough Green (1981)
Water relations of leaves of Tradescantia viriniana: direct turgor-pressure measurement. In: Plant membrane Transport: Current conceptual Issues, S. 469 - 470 (Hg. Spanswick, R. M.; Lucas, W. J.; Dainty, J.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1980)
Ecophysiological investigations of plants in the coastal desert of Southern Africa. Ion content and Crassulacean Acid Metabolism. In: Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments, S. 321 - 331 (Hg. Jefferies, R.; Davy, A.). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, London, Edingurgh, Melbourne (1979)
19, S. 439 - 451 (Hg. Lange, O. L.; Kappen, L.; Schulze, E.-D.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1976)
Plant production in arid and semi-arid areas. In: Water and Plant Life. Ecological Studies (Analysis and Synthesis), Bd. 779.
19, S. 169 - 188 (Hg. Lange, O. L.; Kappen, L.; Schulze, E.-D.). Ecological Studies, Heidelberg, New York (1976)
Current perspectives of steady-state stomatal responses to environment. In: Water and Plant Life: Ecological Studies, Bd. 780.
Primary production of deserts. II. The biomass production of some higher plants in Near Eastern and American Deserts. In: Photosynthesis and productivity in different environments, S. 121 - 127 (Hg. Cooper, J.). Cambridge University Press, Cambgridge (1975)