Publikationen von E. D. Schulze
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (591)
154 (3), S. 535 - 549 (2007)
Detecting the role of individual species for overyielding in experimental grassland communities composed of potentially dominant species. Oecologia 282.
9 (2), S. 53 - 70 (2007)
Exploring the functional significance of forest diversity: A new long-term experiment with temperate tree species (BIOTREE). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 283.
31 (1), S. 26 - 28 (2007)
Beobachtung von Spurengasen in der Atmosphäre. LaborPraxis 284.
202 (8), S. 705 - 713 (2007)
Land-use history and succession of Larix decidua in the Southern Alps of Italy-An essay based on a cultural history study of Roswitha Asche. Flora 285.
9 (7), S. 1041 - 1050 (2006)
Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methods. Ecosystems 286.
177 (3-4), S. 47 - 63 (2006)
Impacts of forest management on the carbon budget of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 287.
37 (4), S. 225 - 232 (2006)
Productivity of mosses and organic matter accumulation in the litter of sphagnum larch forest in the permafrost zone. Russian Journal of Ecology 288.
3 (2), S. 147 - 166 (2006)
Biological control of the terrestrial carbon sink. Biogeosciences 289.
26 (4), S. 479 - 492 (2006)
Leaf and wood carbon isotope ratios, specific leaf areas and wood growth of Eucalyptus species across a rainfall gradient in Australia. Tree Physiology 290.
127 (3), S. 434 - 444 (2006)
Species differences in carbon isotope ratios, specific leaf area and nitrogen concentrations in leaves of Eucalyptus growing in a common garden compared with along an aridity gradient. Physiologia Plantarum 291.
20 (5), S. 571 - 586 (2006)
Inter-annual and seasonal variability of radial growth, wood density and carbon isotope ratios in tree rings of beech (Fagus sylvatica) growing in Germany and Italy. Trees 292.
12 (2), S. 325 - 342 (2006)
Carbon dynamics in successional and afforested spruce stands in Thuringia and the Alps. Global Change Biology 293.
437 (7058), S. 529 - 533 (2005)
Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003. Nature 294.
11 (11), S. 1910 - 1925 (2005)
Carbon dioxide and methane exchange of a north-east Siberian tussock tundra. Global Change Biology 295.
60 (13), S. 702 - 707 (2005)
Vorrat, Zuwachs und Nutzung im plenterwaldartigen Buchenwald. AFZ, der Wald 296.
M075-001-S1 (2005)
Data from the BIODEPTH project (15 ecosystem-process variables measured at eight different European grassland field sites over three years) together with metadata and a table with site information. Ecological Archives 297.
2 (1), S. 15 - 26 (2005)
The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems at country-scale – a European case study. Biogeosciences 298.
8 (4), S. 419 - 429 (2005)
Overyielding in experimental grassland communities – irrespective of species pool or spatial scale. Ecology Letters 299.
107 (1), S. 273 - 274 (2005)
Kann die CO2-Senkenfunktion europäischer Laubwälder durch Änderungen im C-Vorrat des Bodens nachgewiesen werden? Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 300.
437 (7056), S. 205 - 206 (2005)
Carbon unlocked from soils. Nature