Publikationen von E.-D. Schulze
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (591)
146 (1), S. 77 - 88 (2005)
Succession after stand replacing disturbances by fire, wind throw, and insects in the dark Taiga of Central Siberia. Oecologia 302.
142 (3), S. 335 - 343 (2005)
A proteomic fingerprint of dissolved organic carbon and of soil particles. Oecologia 303.
75 (1), S. 37 - 63 (2005)
Ecosystem effects of biodiversity manipulations in European grasslands. Ecological Monographs 304.
19 (2), S. GB2029 (2005)
Radiation, temperature, and leaf area explain ecosystem carbon fluxes in boreal and temperate European forests. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 305.
11 (5), S. 810 - 827 (2005)
Partitioning direct and indirect human-induced effects on carbon sequestration of managed coniferous forests using model simulations and forest inventories. Global Change Biology 306.
24 (11), S. 1193 - 1201 (2004)
Laser ablation-combustion-GC-IRMS - a new method for online analysis of intra-annual variation of δ 13C in tree rings. Tree Physiology 307.
121 (1-2), S. 55 - 67 (2004)
Winter wheat carbon exchange in Thuringia, Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308.
10 (12), S. 2005 - 2019 (2004)
Forest and agricultural land-use-dependent CO2 exchange in Thuringia, Germany. Global Change Biology 309.
56 (3), S. 417 - 428 (2004)
Effects of increasing fire frequency on black carbon and organic matter in Podzols of Siberian Scots pine forests. European Journal of Soil Science 310.
5 (2), S. 107 - 121 (2004)
The role of biodiversity for element cycling and trophic interactions: an experimental approach in a grassland community. Basic and Applied Ecology 311.
24 (2), S. 121 - 139 (2004)
Generic biomass functions for Norway spruce in Central Europe - a meta-analysis approach toward prediction and uncertainty estimation. Tree Physiology 312.
31 (5), S. 551 - 558 (2004)
Leaf trait relationships in Australian plant species. Functional Plant Biology 313.
17 (1), 1020 (2003)
How surface fire in Siberian Scots pine forests affects soil organic carbon in the forest floor: Stocks, molecular structure, and conversion to black carbon (charcoal). Global Biogeochemical Cycles 314.
119 (1), S. 19 - 29 (2003)
Age-dependence of the antioxidative system in tobacco with enhanced glutathione reductase activity or senescence-induced production of cytokinins. Physiologia Plantarum 315.
301 (5635), S. 916 - 917 (2003)
Analyzing carbon flux measurements. Science 316.
300 (5625), S. 1538 - 1542 (2003)
Europe's terrestrial biosphere absorbs 7 to 12% of European anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Science 317.
118 (3-4), S. 151 - 167 (2003)
Large carbon uptake by an unmanaged 250-year-old deciduous forest in Central Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 318.
388, S. 49 - 51 (2003)
A method of theoretical and experimental evaluation of carbon accumulation in bog ecosystems. Doklady Biological Sciences 319.
9 (7), S. 1106 - 1117 (2003)
Microbial characteristics of soils on a latitudinal transect in Siberia. Global Change Biology 320.
84 (6), S. 1539 - 1552 (2003)
The role of plant diversity and composition for nitrate leaching in grasslands. Ecology