Publikationen von Ernst Detlef Schulze
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Zeitschriftenartikel (591)
14 (2), S. 111 - 128 (1994)
Element concentrations in the xylem sap of Picea abies (L.) Karst. seedlings extracted by various methods under different environmental conditions. Tree Physiology 422.
372 (6508), S. 765 - 767 (1994)
Effects of forest decline on uptake and leaching of deposited nitrate determined form 15HN and 18HO measurements. Nature 423.
164 (2), S. 267 - 281 (1994)
Isotope ratios and concentrations of sulfur and nitrogen in needles and soils of Picea abies stands as influenced by atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen compounds. Plant and Soil 424.
17 (10), S. 1125 - 1131 (1994)
The influence of nitrogen availability on carbon and nitrogen storage in the biennial Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. I. Storage capacity on relation to resource acquisition, allocation and recycling. Plant, Cell and Environment 425.
371, S. 60 - 62 (1994)
Coupling of tree transpiration to atmospheric turbulence. Nature 426.
8 (2), S. 237 - 241 (1994)
Carbon isotope composition, gas exchange and heterotrophy in Australian mistletoes. Functional Ecology 427.
17 (10), S. 1133 - 1141 (1994)
The influence of nitrogen availability on carbon and nitrogen storage in the biennial Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. II. The cost of nitrogen storage. Plant, Cell and Environment 428.
45 (10), S. 1413 - 1425 (1994)
Hydraulic and osmotic properties of spruce roots. Journal of Experimental Botany 429.
39 (3), S. 227 - 243 (1994)
Die Wirkung von Immissionen auf den Wald. Jahrbuch / Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 430.
94 (2), S. 10 - 17 (1994)
Zum Abschluß des SFB 137: Gesetzmäßigkeiten und Steuerungsmechanismen des Stoffumsatzes in ökologischen Systemen. Spektrum / Universität Bayreuth 431.
70, S. 415 - 436 (1994)
The impact of increasing nitrogen deposition on forests and aquatic ecosystems. Nova Acta Leopoldina 432.
100 (4), S. 406 - 412 (1994)
Nitrogen nutrition and isotope differences among life forms at the northern treeline of Alaska. Oecologia 433.
25 (1), S. 629 - 660 (1994)
Relationships among maximum stomatal conductance, ecosystem surface conductance, carbon assimilaton rate, and plant nitrogen nutrition: A global ecology scaling exercise. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 434.
17 (7), S. 795 - 809 (1994)
Growth and reproduction of Arabidopsis thaliana in relation to storage of starch and nitrate in wild types, starch-deficient and nitrage-uptake deficient mutants. Plant, Cell and Environment 435.
17 (5), S. 465 - 487 (1994)
Does Rubisco control the rate of photosynthesis and plant growth? An exercise in molecular ecophysiology. Plant, Cell and Environment 436.
29, S. 99 - 102 (1993)
Determination of ammonium and nitrate uptake rates of spruce seedings (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) at ecologically relevant conditions - a 15N tracer study. Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 437.
29 (1-2), S. 71 - 76 (1993)
Uptake of 15NH3 by Picea abies in closed chamber experiments. Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 438.
29, S. 101 - 101 (1993)
15N-Anreicherung in Freilandfichten - Aufnahmen, Verteilung und Variationsursachen. Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 439.
190 (1), S. 1 - 9 (1993)
Decreased ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxilase-oxygenase in transgenic tobacco transformed with "antisense" rbcS. V. Relationship between photosynthetic rate, storage strategy, biomass allocation and vegetative plant grwoth at three different nitrogen supplies. Planta 440.
95 (2), S. 153 - 163 (1993)
Evaporation and canopy characteristics of coniferous forests and grasslands. Oecologia