Publikationen von Ernst Detlef Schulze
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Zeitschriftenartikel (591)
84 (4), S. 1220 - 1232 (1987)
Water transport in maize roots. Plant Physiology 502.
14 (1), S. 55 - 77 (1986)
Recovery from fire: Observations in the alpine vegetation of Western Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania). Phytocoenologia 503.
70 (2), S. 234 - 237 (1986)
Mistletoes: a hypothesis concerning morphological and chemical avoidance of herbivory. Oecologia 504.
70 (3), S. 466 - 474 (1986)
Carbon and nitrogen partitioning in the biennial monocarp Arctium tomentosum Mill. Oecologia 505.
69, S. 477 - 480 (1986)
Diurnal variations of light-saturated CO2 assimilation and intercellular carbon dioxide concentration are not related to leaf water potential. Oecologia 506.
1 (1), S. 61 - 69 (1986)
Relationships between foliage and conducting xylem in Picea abies (L.) Karst. Trees 507.
13 (1), S. 127 - 141 (1986)
Whole-plant responses to drought. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 508.
37, S. 247 - 274 (1986)
Carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange in response to drought in the atmosphere and in the soil. Annual Review of Plant Physiology 509.
163 (4), S. 527 - 543 (1985)
Control of the rate of cell enlargement: Excision, wall relaxation, and growth-induced water potentials. Planta 510.
227 (4693), S. 1479 - 1481 (1985)
Xylem tapping mistletoes: Water or nutrient parasites? Science 511.
72 (4), S. 568 - 571 (1985)
Mineral concentrations in an autoparasitic Phoradendron californicum growing on a parasitic P. californicum and its host, Cercidium floridum. American Journal of Botany 512.
65 (3), S. 356 - 362 (1985)
The responses of stomata and leaf gas exchange to vapour pressure deficits and soil water content. III. In the sclerophyllous woody species Nerium oleander. Oecologia 513.
12 (5), S. 513 - 526 (1985)
An empirical model of net photosynthesis and leaf conductance for the simulation of diurnal courses of CO2 and H2O exchange. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 514.
104 (1), S. 23 - 36 (1985)
CO2-Assimilation, Transpiration und Wachstum von Pinus silvestris L. bei unterschiedlicher Magnesiumversorgung. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 515.
104 (1), S. 186 - 198 (1985)
Eine Methode zur raschen Charakterisierung der photosynthetischen Leistungsfähigkeit von Bäumen unter Freilandbedingungen - Anwendung zur Analyse "neuartiger Waldschäden" bei der Fichte. Pest Management Science 516.
176, S. 365 - 382 (1985)
Die Standortamplitude der Großen Brennessel (Urtica dioica L.) - eine Auswertung vegetationskundlicher Aufnahmen auf der Grundlage der Ellenbergerschen Zeigerwerte. Flora 517.
65 (2), S. 207 - 213 (1985)
Carbon dioxide assimilation and stomatal response of afroalpine giant rosette plants. Oecologia 518.
66 (4), S. 475 - 483 (1985)
Canopy transpiration and water fluxes in the xylem of the trunk of Larix and Picea trees - a comparison of xylem flow, porometer and cuvette measurements. Oecologia 519.
8 (9), S. 713 - 720 (1985)
The nitrogen balance of Raphanus sativus x raphanistrum plants. I. Daily nitrogen use under high nitrage supply. Plant, Cell and Environment 520.
65 (3), S. 348 - 355 (1985)
The response of stomata and leaf gas exchange of vapour pressure deficits and soil water content II. In the mesophytic herbaceous species Helianthus annuus. Oecologia