Publikationen von Ernst Detlef Schulze
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Zeitschriftenartikel (591)
67 (4), S. 577 - 587 (1985)
Diurnal courses of leaf conductance and transpiration of mistletoes and their hosts in Central Australia. Oecologia 522.
175 (4), S. 243 - 248 (1984)
Growth rates and population rejuvenation of East African giant groundsels (Dendrosenecia keniodendron). Flora 523.
162 (3), S. 276 - 282 (1984)
Equilibrium freezing of leaf water and extracellular ice formation in afroalpine "giant rosette" plants. Planta 524.
62 (1), S. 110 - 117 (1984)
The effect of different growing conditions on water relations parameters of leaf epidermal cells of Tradescantia virginiana L. Oecologia 525.
76 (3), S. 827 - 828 (1984)
Relationship between mineral nitrogen influx and transpiration in radish and tomato. Plant Physiology 526.
162 (3), S. 268 - 275 (1984)
The effect of nitrogen supply on growth and water-use efficiency of sylem tapping mistletoes. Planta 527.
Beiheft 3 (Teil 1), S. 1 - 102 (1984)
Die pflanzenökologische Bedeutung und Bewertung von Hecken. Berichte der ANL / Hrsg.: Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL) 528.
7 (5), S. 293 - 299 (1984)
Carbon, water and nutrient relations of two mistletoes and their hosts: A hypothesis. Plant, Cell and Environment 529.
63 (3), S. 338 - 342 (1984)
Responses of stomata and leaf gas exchange to vapour pressure deficits and soil water content I. Species comparisons at high soil water contents. Oecologia 530.
74 (2), S. 316 - 319 (1984)
Comparison of water potentials measured by in situ psychrometry and pressure chamber in morphologically different species. Plant Physiology 531.
10 (5), S. 385 - 394 (1983)
Responses of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. to atmospheric and soil drought. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 532.
96 (1), S. 391 - 402 (1983)
Photosynthetic CO2 uptake and whole plant growth as related to plant water relations. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 533.
4, S. 291 - 303 (1983)
Root-shoot interactions and plant life forms. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 534.
53 (2), S. 141 - 145 (1983)
A portable steady-state porometer for measuring the carbon dioxide and water vapour exchanges of leaves under natural conditions. Oecologia 535.
58 (2), S. 169 - 177 (1983)
Carbohydrate partitioning in relation to whole plant production and water use of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. Oecologia 536.
52 (1), S. 116 - 120 (1982)
Effects of day-to-day changes in root temperature on leaf conductance to water vapour and CO2 assimilation rates of Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. Oecologia 537.
50, S. 54 - 61 (1981)
Environmental control of CO2-assimilation and leaf conductance in Larix decidua Mill. I. A comparison of contrasting natural environments. Oecologia 538.
68 (5), S. 1135 - 1143 (1981)
Water relations of leaf epidermal cells of Tradescantia virginiana. Plant Physiology 539.
7 (3), S. 315 - 327 (1980)
Responses to humidity by stomata of Nicotiana glauca L. and Corylus avellana L. are consistent with the optimization of carbon dioxide uptake with respect to water loss. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 540.
7 (2), S. 141 - 147 (1980)
Drought effects on transpiration and leaf water status of cowpea in controlled environments. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology