Publications of Viviana Horna
All genres
Journal Article (36)
Journal Article
15, 1401833 (2024)
Soil drought sets site specific limits to stem radial growth and sap flow of Douglas-fir across Germany. Frontiers in Plant Science 2.
Journal Article
12, 1292132 (2024)
Hydrological and climate intensification induces conservative behavior in the Hydrochorea corymbosa xylem production in a Central Amazon floodplain forest. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3.
Journal Article
553, 121645 (2024)
Limited influence of air temperature and precipitation on six-year survival and growth of non-native tree species in a Central European multi-site field trial. Forest Ecology and Management 4.
Journal Article
312, 104863 (2023)
Holocene environmental changes inferred from an oxbow lake in a Mauritia palm swamp (aguajal) in the Madre de Dios region, southeastern Peru. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 5.
Journal Article
4, pp. 4 - 7 (2022)
Trockentoleranz alternativer Baumarten auf Versuchsflächen. LWF aktuell 6.
Journal Article
594, 110955 (2022)
Late Holocene peatland palm swamp (aguajal) development, carbon deposition and environment changes in the Madre de Dios region, southeastern Peru. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 7.
Journal Article
260, 108849 (2021)
Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 8.
Journal Article
10 (9), 1431 (2018)
Assessing L-band GNSS-reflectometry and imaging radar for detecting sub-canopy inundation dynamics in a tropical wetlands complex. Remote Sensing 9.
Journal Article
Green barks of trees from drought deciduous forests (“Bosque Seco”) in Northern Peru / Southern Ecuador do not perform CAM. Basic and Applied Dryland Research (2015)
Journal Article
20 (5), pp. 1481 - 1497 (2014)
Replicated throughfall exclusion experiment in an Indonesian perhumid rainforest: Wood production, litter fall and fine root growth under simulated drought. Global Change Biology 11.
Journal Article
41 (3), pp. 301 - 312 (2014)
Interspecific variation in functional traits in relation to species climatic niche optima in Andean Polylepis (Rosaceae) tree species: Evidence for climatic adaptations. Functional Plant Biology 12.
Journal Article
442-443, pp. 2 - 14 (2013)
Canopy transpiration of pure and mixed forest stands with variable abundance of European beech. Journal of Hydrology 13.
Journal Article
56, pp. 274 - 283 (2013)
Physiological vs. morphological traits controlling the productivity of six aspen full-sib families. Biomass and Bioenergy 14.
Journal Article
33 (8), pp. 817 - 832 (2013)
Stem water storage in five coexisting temperate broad-leaved tree species: Significance, temporal dynamics and dependence on tree functional traits. Tree Physiology 15.
Journal Article
33 (2), pp. 161 - 174 (2013)
Changes in wood density, wood anatomy and hydraulic properties of the xylem along the root-to-shoot flow path in tropical rainforest trees. Tree Physiology 16.
Journal Article
46, pp. 242 - 250 (2012)
Different growth strategies determine the carbon gain and productivity of aspen collectives to be used in short-rotation plantations. Biomass and Bioenergy 17.
Journal Article
69 (6), pp. 693 - 703 (2012)
Hydraulic properties and embolism in small-diameter roots of five temperate broad-leaved tree species with contrasting drought tolerance. Annals of Forest Science 18.
Journal Article
15 (6), pp. 958 - 973 (2012)
Altitudinal change in the photosynthetic capacity of tropical trees: A case study from Ecuador and a pantropical literature analysis. Ecosystems 19.
Journal Article
32 (8), pp. 1021 - 1032 (2012)
Environmental control of daily stem growth patterns in five temperate broad-leaved tree species. Tree Physiology 20.
Journal Article
207 (2), pp. 87 - 95 (2012)
Photosynthetic characteristics and growth performance of closely related aspen taxa: On the systematic relatedness of the Eurasian Populus tremula and the North American P. tremuloides. Flora