
Publications of M. Vetter

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Vetter, M.; Churkina, G.; Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; Zaehle, S.; Bondeau, A.; Chen, Y.; Ciais, P.; Feser, F.; Freibauer, A. et al.; Geyer, R.; Jones, C.; Papale, D.; Tenhunen, J.; Tomelleri, E.; Trusilova, K.; Viovy, N.; Heimann, M.: Analyzing the causes and spatial pattern of the European 2003 carbon flux anomaly using seven models. Biogeosciences 5 (2), pp. 561 - 583 (2008)
Journal Article
Churkina, G.; Trusilova, K.; Vetter, M.; Dentener, F.: Contributions of nitrogen deposition and forest regrowth to terrestrial carbon uptake. Carbon Balance and Management 2, 5 (2007)
Journal Article
Jung, M.; Le Maire, G.; Zaehle, S.; Luyssaert, S.; Vetter, M.; Churkina, G.; Ciais, P.; Viovy, N.; Reichstein, M.: Assessing the ability of three land ecosystem models to simulate gross carbon uptake of forests from boreal to Mediterranean climate in Europe. Biogeosciences 4 (4), pp. 647 - 656 (2007)
Journal Article
Jung, M.; Vetter, M.; Herold, M.; Churkina, G.; Reichstein, M.; Zaehle, S.; Ciais, P.; Viovy, N.; Bondeau, A.; Chen, Y. et al.; Trusilova, K.; Feser, F.; Heimann, M.: Uncertainties of modeling gross primary productivity over Europe: A systematic study on the effects of using different drivers and terrestrial biosphere models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21 (4), p. Gb4021 (2007)
Journal Article
Vetter, M.; Wirth, C.; Böttcher, H.; Churkina, G.; Schulze, E.-D.; Wutzler, T.; Weber, G.: Partitioning direct and indirect human-induced effects on carbon sequestration of managed coniferous forests using model simulations and forest inventories. Global Change Biology 11 (5), pp. 810 - 827 (2005)
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